Board Meeting Minutes from January 12, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
Roll Call: Trustee Jager, Clerk Johnson and Treasurer Halbower present. Supervisor Noble and Trustee Wilson absent.
Melanie requested to have Bill chair the meeting. All present agree.
Add to agenda: 12.3 Vandenbosch
Agenda is set.
Review of minutes:
010116 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the December 08, 2015 minutes as written. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Review of Bills:
010216 Trustee Jager made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Business from the Floor: None
Treasurer’s Report:
010316 Trustee Jager made the motion to accept the treasurers report as presented. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.
Department Reports:
Fire Chief Stevens reported for the month of December. Total man hours 244.5 hours. Expenses for the 206 account were $3954.77 which is currently 17% under budget. The 216 account had zero expenses and is 33% under budget.
Art requested permission to attend the February Conference in Bay City. Registration will be $160 and the Room will be $199.50 for 2 nights.
010416 Trustee Jager made the motion to allow Art to attend the February Conference for the cost of $359.50. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Art requested to order valves for the fire truck as the cost of $756 each for a total of $1512. He would also like to order a 4” valve for the other truck for $700. Total cost to be $2212 plus shipping.
010516 Clerk Johnson made the motion to allow Art to purchase the valves for the trucks from SAME (Sales & Marketing Equip) for $2212 plus shipping. Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.
Correspondence: Request from Muskegon River Watershed for donations. No action.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: Commission and Board Appointments.
Planning Commission recommendations: Bill Halbower, Julie Vanderboegh, and Tim Ylitalo
010616 Trustee Jager made the motion to appoint Bill Halbower, Julie Vanderboegh, and Tim Ylitalo to the Planning Commission for the term to end January 2019. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.
Zoning Board of Appeals recommendations: Tammy Jager and Herman Straub
010616 Clerk Johnson made the motion to appoint Tammy Jager and Herman Straub to the ZBA. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Park Commission recommendations: Bill Halbower and Anita Kittel
010716 Trustee Jager made the motion to appoint Bill Halbower and Anita Kittel to the Park Commission. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.
The March 08, 2016 Township Board Meeting will be held at the Library due to an election the same day.
Vandenbosch request to be added to the agenda – she was not in attendance but Trustee Jager wanted to discuss the issue. She is being taken to court at the end of the month due to more horses on property than acreage allows. Trustee Jager thinks the issue is over zealous. The situation may have changed recently and the issue will be discussed with Mick before the court date to see if the issue can be worked out to avoid court.
Motion to Adjourn:
010816 Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Melanie Johnson
Holton Township Clerk