Board Meeting Minutes – June 12, 2018
Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
Roll Call: Trustee Schroeder, Treasurer Halbower, Supervisor Jager, Trustee Jager all present.
Agenda is set.
Review of minutes:
060118 Trustee Schroeder made motion to accept May 8, 2018 minutes as presented. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED
060218 Trustee Jager made motion to accept minutes from May 23, 2018. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
Review of Bills:
060318 Trustee Jager made motion to pay the bills as presented. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED
Business from the floor:
Dana McLean – Wondering who is suppose to take care of the park in town.
Discussion on the Holton Business and Civic use to take care of it. Township only mows it.
Louis Slater – thanking the board for fixing the roads. Makes the town look better.
a. Librarian Julie Vanderboegh passed out flier and reminded us the free summer reading program starts June 18th. She also put in a request to purchase items, and has money in her budget for them.
060418 Trustee Jager made motion to allow the Librarian to purchase a dry erase easel, laminating machine, 2 sided letter board and a book cart. Cost not to exceed $1,000.00. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
County Commissioner Gary Foster – county is 66% funded in the pension program, 401K. When asked about the borrowing of money and then not paying for 10 years. Commissioner Foster said that was a no and he was unaware of that. The new tax on cigarettes and beer was going to generate enough tax money that increase in property tax wasn’t needed. Response on county wide fire department consolidation – None that he has heard of.
Treasurer’s Report:
060518 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept Treasurer’s Report as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
Department Reports: Fire Chief Hawk reported man hours of 462 for May. The 216 account expenses for May were $5,449.55 and is 12% under budget. The 206 had zero expenses. He informed us that 5 out of 6 candidates passed the test. The 6th one will be taking the test again.
Written report on zoning and building permits given to board.
New Business:
060618 Trustee Schroeder made motion to appoint Sarah Hippler as Holton Township Clerk to serve out the remainder of Clerk’s term. Treasurer Halbower seconded. Roll call: Treasurer Halbower – Yes
Supervisor Jager – Yes Trustee Schroeder – Yes – Trustee Jager – No. CARRIED
060718 Trustee Schroeder made motion to hire Melanie Johnson at $13.00 an hour to aide, assist and help with the elections for the newly appointed clerk. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED
060818 Treasurer Halbower made motion to accept Ben Slater’s resignation from Planning Commission with regrets. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
Discussion: Supervisor Jager put forth Cheyenne Williams and asked board if they had questions. Has he been involved with planning or townships? Mr. Williams replied he served on downtown development. How long has he lived in Holton? Mr. Williams – about a 1 ½ years.
060918 Trustee Jager made motion to appoint Cheyenne Williams to the Planning Commission. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED
061018 Treasurer Halbower made motion to accept Kent Klomp’s resignation from Board of Review with regrets. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
061118 Trustee Jager made motion to appoint Herman Straub to the Board of Review. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED
061218 Treasurer Halbower made motion to increase election inspector’s pay to $10.00 an hour. Trustee Schroeder seconded.
Discussion: Trustee Jager – This vote is being taken again, it was felt that there was not a quorum eligible to vote on this issue in May, as only 3 board member were at the meeting and one had to abstain from voting. Trustee Jager – stated she will again abstain from voting as she is an election worker and is directly affected by vote.
Roll call: Trustee Jager – abstain Trustee Schroeder – Yes Treasurer Halbower – Yes
Supervisor Jager – Yes. CARRIED
061318 Treasurer Halbower made motion to accept resolution for closing roads for Holton Days. Trustee Jager seconded. Roll Call: Supervisor Jager – Yes Trustee Schroeder – Yes Trustee Jager – Yes Treasurer Halbower – Yes. CARRIED
061418 Treasurer Halbower made motion to accept the board meeting dates for the coming year. Trustee Schroeder seconded. Roll Call: Treasure Halbower – Yes Supervisor Jager – Yes Trustee Schroeder Yes – Trustee Jager – Yes CARRIED
Discussion on MCK – Ask for clarification because the letter they sent was confusing. Try and get a 3 year contract. Ask other companies. They are doing a good job.
061518 Treasurer Halbower made motion to table contract until next month. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
Marihuana Ordinance – Discussion: about taking out green cross.
Public Comment:
Ms. Fialek, 7742 East Lake Road, asking board to put it on a ballot for a vote.
Deb Normandin, Holton Duck Lake Road, can lead to addiction. Against it.
Art Stevens, Crystal Lake Road, should go for a vote of the township.
Charlene Spalding, Hesperia, on behalf of the Holton Community Center, does the township have long term plans for community?
Brian Fialek, East Lake Road, would appreciate it if we utilized a vote.
Brian Norton, Brynes, people need to get a vote.
Dana McLean, please explain why now?
The state has already passed the laws, expansion of previous laws – not acting on vote down the road.
Dana McLean – how many facilities could be here?
Andrew Jenson – Adams – people are moving to Colorado, brings in jobs and people into Holton.
John Normandin – people need a vote on it, and it would get you out of a jam.
Art Stevens – Will of the people. Tax revenue. Remove from office.
Justin Dunaskiss – Lake Orion, MI, talked about the law, people are elected to do a job, controlled medicine.
Art Stevens, did it handle recreational marijuana?
John Normandin, opposes.
Deb Normandin, we have enough medical marijuana why more?
Justin Dunaskiss, it is 2 separate acts, you cannot regulate the recreational if it passes.
Charlene Spalding, Do we want these facilities in Holton?
Dana McLean, we are not getting more families in Holton.
Andrew Jenson, cannot find a job in community.
John Normandin, there are plenty of jobs out there.
Cheyenne Williams, Holton, I have no stake in game, right or wrong we need to have a say where they can put them.
Closed public comment at: 8:22 p.m.
Board discussion:
Township is not going to get rich. Because we don’t have sewage treatment and we won’t be getting it, logistically we will not be getting other business. We have no volume. How many do we need?
Section #10 – discussion on weighted. We are making the application. Will need special use permit. Will need township permit. Granted by the Holton Township Board. Then they would have to apply to the Planning Commission for Special Use.
Special Use would require all properties around it to be notified of pending facility. Section #11 needs ‘council’ removed and Holton Township Board added. Brought up green cross removal from Section 7 (h).
Amend: Section 7 (h) – remove green Cross. Section 11 remove ‘council and replace with Holton Township Board’.
061618 Trustee Jager made motion to adopt the MMFLA Ordinance 51.000 with amendments, Section 7 (h) – remove green Cross. Section 11 remove ‘council and replace with Holton Township Board’. Treasurer Halbower seconded. Roll Call Vote: Treasurer Halbower – Yes Trustee Schroeder – No Supervisor Jager – Yes Trustee Jager – Yes CARRIED
Future Business: Please look at the papers on the asking for an easement on township property. Supervisor indicated he was not going to allow the easement for the utility lines, they can go down the road.
061718 Trustee Schroeder made motion to adjourn at 9:22 pm. Treasurer Halbower seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Jager
Holton Trustee