Board Meeting Minutes – December 11, 2018
1. The regular meeting of the Holton Township Board was called to order by Supervisor Jager at 7:00pm.
2. Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present.
3. Roll Call of Board Members: Supervisor Jager, Trustee Jager, Clerk Hippler, Treasurer Halbower, Trustee Schroeder all present.
4. Agenda set with the addition of New Business Item H- Turn Out Gear purchase for Fire Department.
5. Review of Minutes from November 13, 2018 Regular Meeting
A. 120118 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded the motion. CARRIED.
6. Payment of the Bills
A. 120218 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
7. Business from the Floor
A. Supervisor Jager made those in attendance aware that an attendee was recording the meeting which was within their rights, but he wanted everyone aware.
B. Joe Kruzinski, owner of the former Star Trek Arena building at 8981 Cedar Creek Road. Wanted to make Board aware of difficulties trying to do business in Holton. Many of his perspective tenants for the building have back out after difficulties with zoning and building officials in Holton. Believes the township is missing out on valuable revenue.
i. Jason Leslie of Bridgeton, business owner interested in leasing portion of building. Has had numerous changes and demands made by the building inspector but is not able to get information regarding the building codes mandating demands. Has been given three different list to comply with.
ii. Name not clear, second potential tenant of building on Cedar Creek Road property. Is willing to comply with any requests with the assurance that they are correct and will not be changed after work is done.
C. Louis Slater of Holton. Requested information regarding standing of LED sign for township. Donors are willing to make purchase if Township has details or timeline.
i. Supervisor Jager stated that donors were operators of marijuana facilities and believed until the regulation and policy regarding marijuana in Holton is settled, the purchase should be postponed.
a. Discussion regarding Medical Marijuana Facilities. Supervisor Jager stated he had $45,000 in application fees returned to applicants returned. After receiving a valid petition regarding special use permits the issue must be voted on in May 2019. Clerk Hippler is working on the procedure for a ballot proposal and will reach out to County Clerk Nancy Waters for more information.
D. Commissioner Gary Foster. A meeting to discuss the Casino proposed for Muskegon will take place December 12, 2018. The casino had received federal approval and is expected to move quickly.
i. The contract between the county and Pound Buddies had been approved.
8. Treasurer’s Report
A. 120318 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
9. Department Reports
A. Zoning and Permits: 15 permits were issued for November.
B. Library: Christmas in Holton Program was very successful, and plans are being made for next year. Holiday Around the World program featured exchange students from Holton.
C. Cemetery: Grasshopper needs two new tires. Quote: Original Manufacturer: #297/ tire; Reeman Farm Equipment: $380/tire; Tire Wholesalers: $113/tire.
i. 120418 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to approve the purchase of two tires from Tire Wholesale at $113 per tire. Trustee Schroeder Seconded. CARRIED
ii. New DPW director cannot find any power tools needed to do work required. Requesting to purchase a set of tools. A set is available from Tractor Supply for $249.99. A set is available from Lowes for $299 but includes a circular saw not included in the other price.
a. 120518 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the purchase of a power tools set from Lowe’s for $299. Clerk Hippler seconded. CARRIED.
iii. Sexton Vanderboegh requested to provided Kevin Elliot, DPW director, with a $200 bonus for digging a grave by hand when it was discovered the township equipment was not working.
a. 120618 Trustee Schroeder made the motion to approve $200 for the hand digging of a grave by Mr. Elliot. Trustee Jager Seconded. CARRIED
D. Fire Department: Man hours for November included 188 paid hours, 82 volunteer hours for a total of 270 hours. Expenses of $16729.66. Department is underbudget.
10. Correspondence: A card was received thanking all involved with the Christmas in Holton Event.
11. Unfinished Business: None
12. New Business
A. Chief Hawk submitted a letter of resignation effective December 15, 2018 from the Holton Township Fire Department after taking a new job.
i. 120718 Trustee Jager made the motion to accept with regret the resignation of Chief Hawk. Clerk Hippler seconded. CARRIED
B. Appointment of Interim Fire Chief
i. 120818 Trustee Jager made the motion to appoint Brian Norton as interim Chief. Clerk Hippler Seconded. WITHDRAWN
a. Discussion from the floor: Attendee who did not give name asked why that decision was made. Clerk Hippler cited the Holton Township Employment Policy adopted in 2000 statin the township could not appoint anyone to a supervisory position over a close relative. Attendee asked why that policy had not been followed before. Clerk Hippler stated she did not know, she had only been recently appointed to the board. Trustee Jager stated she was not aware of the policy. Treasurer Halbower stated he would like the Clerk to review the minutes when the policy was adopted to verify the Board’s action at the time.
b. Susan Townsend expressed concern over the experience, qualifications and proximity of Mr. Norton.
c. Attendee (name not given/clearly heard) stated fire department has mission and needs to effectively carry out its mission.
d. Trustee Jager stated her reason for appointing Mr. Norton was allow for a ‘cool down’ at the fire department and to give the township a chance to collect resumes and review and amend policy if need be.
e. Attendee (name not given/clearly heard) stated he would resign from the fire department if Mr. Norton was appointed Interim Chief.
f. Clerk Hippler asked if attendees had a recommendation for an interim chief. Name of Al Stiles was given. Attendees expressed that Bryan Hawk was the next Senior officer. Mr. Adam Cowley was also suggested as a neutral party of the fire department. Concerns were raised over Mr. Cowley’s time with the department. Attendees engaged in more discussion, but comments were difficult to hear and record.
g. The attendees were reminded that this appointment was for an interim period of approximately 2 months.
h. Trustee Schroeder stated the system should be allowed to do its job.
i. Attendees stated that if the board made the appointment of Mr. Norton or Mr. Cowley. Several fire department members would resign.
j. Clerk Hipper withdrew the second for the motion to appoint Mr. Norton. Trustee Jager withdrew the motion.
ii. 120918 Trustee Jager made the motion to appoint Adam Cowley as interim Fire Department Chief. Trustee Schroeder seconded. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Jager: Yes, Trustee Schroeder: Yes, Treasurer Halbower: No, Supervisor Jager: Yes, Clerk Hippler: Yes. CARRIED.
C. Interview Committee for New Fire Chief: Trustee Jager, current liaison to the fire department, Trustee Schroeder, and community member Cheyenne Williams will serve as the interview committee to hire a new Fire Chief. Supervisor Jager would like to take two months review policy and receive resumes.
i. 121018 Clerk Hippler made the motion to remove the wording: No “close” relatives as described above shall be employed by Holton Township where they will be working in the same department. Trustee Jager seconded. Roll Call vote: Treasurer Halbower: Yes, Supervisor Jager: Yes, Trustee Schroeder: Yes, Trustee Jager: Yes, Clerk Hippler: Yes. CARRIED
D. 121118 Trustee Jager made the motion to appoint Harley Maginity to the parks commission. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
E. 121218 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to approve the resolution to waive interest and penalties associated with the failure to file a PTA Form 2766. Trustee Schroeder seconded. Roll Call Vote: Supervisor Jager: Yes, Treasurer Halbower: Yes, Clerk Hippler: Yes, Trustee Schroeder: Yes, Trustee Jager: Yes. CARRIED
F. 121318 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the 2019 Poverty Exemption Guidelines. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
G. Budget Adjustment for Road Fund account. Payment of $50,000 for road work done will need to be covered with money from the fund balance.
i. 121418 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to table action on the road fund account until more information is gathered. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
H. Purchase of Turn Out Gear for the Fire Department: Mr. Cowley explained that turn out gear is outer coverings used to protect firefighters from carcinogens and bloodborne pathogens. A second set is needed to ensure the department can respond to any emergency if the first set of gear is being washed after an emergency. Quotes were received from 5 Alarm for $39,369.00, West Shore Fire for $43,520.00, and eDarley for $64,202.40. The preferred set for the department was supplied by West Shore Fire. Trustee Jager wanted to be sure the purchase was in the department budget. It was stated that it was.
i. 121518 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the purchase of 16 sets of turn-out gear from West Shore Fire at a cost of $43,520.00. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED
13. Future Business
A. Blight Ordinance Regarding Simmons Building: Supervisor Jager said the township has few options regarding the building. Treasurer Halbower suggested it may be prudent to revisit the Township Blight Ordinance. There is also concern over a boat that is parked too close to the road.
14. Supervisor wished to thank Treasurer Halbower and Mr. Matt Wilfong for they hard work and dedication to the creation, development and maintenance of the park on Syers road.
15. Adjournment
A. 121618 Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED
B. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Hippler, Clerk