Board Meeting Minutes – November 9, 2021

  • The regular meeting of the Holton Township Board was called to order at 7:00 pm at the Holton Township Hall, 6511 Holton Whitehall Road.
  • Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present
  • Roll Call of Members: Trustee Jager, present; Treasurer Halbower, present;  Trustee Thompsen, present; Clerk Coburn, present; Supervisor Jager, present; present
  • Set the Agenda
  • Review the Minutes
    • 100121 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the October 12, 2021 regular meeting minutes with correction D Motion made by Trustee Jager. Second by Trustee Thompson. CARRIED.
  • Payment of the Bills
    • 100221 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the payment of the October bills as presented. Second by Trustee Thompson. CARRIED.
  • Business From the Floor

Jim Berghuis wanted update on 10883 Schow for burning tires. Has pictures of burning of something this morning Nove 9, 2021. Get ahold of DEQ again. Sending out Ed Vanas back out there.

  • Treasurer’s Report
    • 100321 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Trustee Thompson. CARRIED.
  • Department Reports


  • MADL Director, Kelly Richards, will be leaving in January
  • Re-model on Holton Library is scheduled for January, 2022, no programming during re-model.
  • BookMobile at Holton Community Center 1st, and 3rd Thursday. Other locations available
  • Small Business expo at Holton Library, Saturday, November 27, 10:30-1:30.
  • Christmas in Holton scheduled for Wednesday, December 8, 6-8 pm.


  • Progress in mapping for cemetery.
  • Request from Muskegon County Sheriff-DNA
  • Correspondence- None
  • Unfinished Business
  • New Business:
    • 100421Trustee Jager made a motion to pay BHS Insurance renewal of $26,960. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
    • 100521 Trustee Jager made a motion to appoint Mike Fanjoy to the Planning Commission to fill the rest of term. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRED
    • 100621Trustee Jager motioned to accept the request for Fire Department to purchase new rescue vehicle.  Second by Trustee Thompson. CARRIED.
      1. Roll Call; Clerk Coburn, yes; Supervisior Jager, yes; Trustee Jager, yes; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Trustee Thompson, yes;
  • Middle of Dec posted for special meeting.
  • Trustee Jager made a motion to adjourn at 8:22pm. Second by Trustee Thompson. ADJOURNED.

Minutes taken by Clerk Coburn

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  • No upcoming events
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