Board Meeting Minutes – April 11, 2023
7:00 PM Supervisor Jager called meeting to order
Pledge of allegiance led by Supervisor Jager.
Roll Call by Clerk Pego, present: Trustee Tammy Jager, Treasurer Bill Halbower, Supervisor Alan Jager, Clerk Malinda Pego, Absent: Trustee Christian Thompsen
Agenda Set- no changes
Motion 01-04-23 for approval of the meeting minutes of March 14, 2023 by Trustee Tammy Jager, 2nd by Treasurer Bill Halbower, all ayes motion carries.
Motion 02-04-23 for payment of the bills as presented by Trustee Tammy Jager, 2nd by Treasurer Bill Halbower, all ayes, motion carries.
Business from the floor, Rich Houteman from Consumers Energy introduced himself as our area representative, reported on smart meter upgrades and 5G. Commissioner Zach Lahring reported on broadband internet update from a meeting attended today.
Motion 03-04-23 for acceptance of treasurer’s report by Trustee Tammy Jager, 2nd by Clerk Malinda Pego, all ayes, motion carries.
Department reports: Library, Julie Vanderboegh successful Friends of the Library Easter Party, MADL Staff meeting with public government bodies on organizational rebranding on MADLS public image.
Chief Ted Hawk Fire Department 23 incidents, 3 mutual aide, 1 receive, 2 given. Average number as previous years. Supervisor Jager permits given 4 for a total of $525. 3 electrical, 1 mechanical.
Correspondence: free dump day postponed to fall due to cell full.
New Business: Performance and Indemnification Resolution for Brining Roads motion 04-04-23 made by Trustee Tammy Jager, 2nd by Treasurer Bill Halbower, roll call vote; Trustee Tammy Jager yes, Treasurer Bill Halbower yes, Supervisor Alan Jager yes, Clerk Malinda Pego yes. Motion foo resolution carries.
Discussion on FOIAS procedures.
Future Business: truck quotes discussed, more information forthcoming for next meeting.
Motion to adjourn by Treasurer Bill Halbower, 2nd by Trustee Tammy Jager all ayes, motion carries.
Adjourned 7:56 pm
Respectfully submitted by Clerk Malinda Pego