Board Meeting Minutes – April 12, 2022
Called to Order: 7:07 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance: Given by all.
Roll Call: Clerk Coburn – present; Treasurer Halbower – present; Trustee Thompson – Absent; Trustee Jager – present; Supervisor Jager – absent.
Added to the agenda: H-roof picnic area Under New Business
040122 Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept the minutes as presented. 2nd by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED
040222 Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept the payment of bills as presented for February and March. 2nd by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED
Business form the Floor:
Jason Kolkema is running for Circuit Court Judge.
Trustee Jager had an error with ballot bags, she contacted the county right away and is getting the election bags certified may 5 by the board of canvassers.
040322 Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept Treasurer Report as presented. 2nd by Clerk Coburn. CARRIED
Department Reports
Permits: $3079
Library Report: Holton Library re-model is going well. Book shelves, tables & chairs donated to Fire Department, with other miscellaneous items donated to Holton School and community. Carpet is being installed. We hope to open soon. Eater Egg Hunt went well. Would like to request new fans and AC Unit for library.
040422 Motion made by Supervisor Jager to spend up to $400 for a ceiling fan to come out of library budget. Second by Clerk Coburn. CARRIED
Fire Department: 37 runs in March. 2 mutual aid.
Correspondence: None
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
A. 040422 Motion made by Trustee Jager to for Fire Deparment to use ARPA funds to purchase extractor and dryer for $7499.00. 2nd by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED
Roll Call Vote: Clerk Coburn, Yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Trustee Jager, yes; Trustee Thompson, ab;
B. 040522 Motion made by Trustee Jager to list and sell tanker 1960 through Fire Truck Resource (FTR). 2nd by Clerk Coburn. CARRIED
C. 040622 Motion made by Trustee Jager to approve of SOG 2022-2 Emergency Equipment on Personal Vehicles. CARRIED
D. 04012022 Motion made by trustee Jager for Resolution Performance and Indemnification. 2nd by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED
Roll Call Vote: Supervisor Jager, Yes; Trustee Jager, yes; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Trustee Thompson, AB; Clerk Coburn, yes;
E. 04022022 Motion made by Trustee Jager to approve Resolution 040222022. 2nd by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED
F. 040722 Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to approve purchase up to $1500 for door and hardware for Library entrance doors. CARRIED
G. 040822 Supervisor Jager made a motion to spend up to $80,000 to start on Brunswick Roads. 2nd by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED
H. 040922 Treasurer Halbower made a motion to spend up to $4500 of Covid funds on roof for the picnic area. 2nd by Clerk Coburn. CARRIED
Future Business;
A. Tree removal getting more quotes.
Motion to Adjourn by Trustee Jager at 8:46 PM. 2nd by Supervisor Jager. CARRIED