Board Meeting Minutes – August 11, 2020
- The Regular Meeting of the Holton Township Board was called to order at 7:00pm at the Holton Township Hall, 6511 Holton Whitehall Road.
- Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present.
- Roll Call of Board Members present: Trustee Schroeder. Absent; Treasurer Halbower, Supervisor Jager, Trustee Jager, Clerk Hippler all present.
- Set agenda: Add 12H- Rehire Firefighter Yarrington. Remove 12 E- Purchase Additional Ballot Tabulator and move to future Business. Agenda set with changes.
- 080120 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the July 14, 2020 Minutes as presented. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
- 080220 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the payment of the July 2020 bills as presented. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
- Business from the Floor:
- Donna VanderVries, Muskegon County Equalization- County provided township with an updated contract proposal of $30,000 per year to included BSA, Sketch software, mailings, and all other required expenses. Board members asked if price was all inclusive. Ms. VanderVries stated it was with the exception of costs associated with a re-inspection which was not likely. Muskegon County will undergo an AMAR audit beginning September 3rd.
- Cory Burns, Independent Assessor- Mr. Burns also submitted a contract proposal for Holton Township Assessing. Board asked what would be included or extra for the contract Mr. Burns Submitted. Mr. Burns stated BSA and mailings would be extra. Other items such as computers could be negotiated. Treasurer Halbower asked if he would require other dedicated personnel. Mr. Burns stated he would work with the clerk and the supervisor but addition personnel would not be needed and he would handle everything related to assessing.
- Greg VanWoerkom, State Representative- Stopped by to check in with Township. Supervisor Jager asked about current Bill in House regarding Medical Marijuana. Rep. VanWoerkom was not sure as to the likelihood the bill would pass but would look into it. Supervisor Jager also asked about possible cuts to revenue sharing for townships. Rep. VanWoerkom stated that cuts would be likely unless more federal dollars became available. The state is currently looking at a $2.2 billion dollar shortfall.
- 080320 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Clerk Hippler. Treasurer Halbower noted the addition of a Capital Account created for the library to hold funds sent by MADL for capital expenses every year. These funds will be tracked and rolled over year after year to be used only for Library capital expenses. CARRIED.
- Department Reports
- Library- The Summer Reading Program is wrapping up. All the programs have been held virtually.
- 2 Permits and Zoning- $1595 in permits were issued. The Zoning administrator has concerns regarding marijuana facilities in the Township. The property located on Holton Road is still being reviewed. Treasurer Halbower stated that in order to continue to use campers on the property the residence must have a Primary Residence Exemption. Trustee Jager stated she did not know if that was necessary if the property owner did not wish to use the Homestead Exemption. Supervisor Jager stated he believed the real issue was in regards to medical marijuana growing, not the use of campers. The issue will continue to be reviewed.
- Ordinance Enforcement- 6-8 on going issues reported with some progress.
- Fire Department- averaging 30 calls per month. Air packs that will need to be replaced will cost approximately $7,000 to $10,000 each. Department is currently looking at some fundraisers as well as requesting an increase in the operating millage when up for renewal. Chief Hawk stated the original millage was passed 30 years ago and has not been increased since. The Covid-19 Hazard Pay Grant was submitted but no news yet.
- The Fire Department is also raising money for the former Fire Chief Marc Hawk. Mr. Hawk was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Donation jars are available throughout the Township including at the Holton Township Hall and online.
- Correspondence
- The Holton Post Office has a number of outstanding invoices for snowplowing and lawn mowing. Supervisor Jager will reach out to the Post Office regarding the invoices.
- The Board offered prayers and well wishes to Marc Hawk as he goes through treatment for Cancer. The Board also expressed gratitude for his many years of service to Holton Township.
- Unfinished Business- None
- New Business
- 080420 Trustee Jager made a motion approve the MPSCS Agency User Agreement for 800 Hz Radios. Second by Treasurer Halbower. Chief Hawk stated the agreement was to be able to use the towers associated with the new radio equipment. Trustee Jager asked who would pay for any fees or increases in costs. Chief Hawk stated that would be cover by Muskegon County Central Dispatch. CARRIED.
- 080520 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the replacement of a damaged culvert on Brickyard Road at cost of approximately $4,934.16. Second by Clerk Hippler. Supervisor Jager stated the projects on Lake and Ewing roads came in under budget and the cost of the culvert should be covered with the saved funds. CARRIED.
- 080620 Trustee Jager made a motion to pay the GIS B.L.S. Invoice of $2,603.47. Second by Treasurer Halbower. Supervisor Jager asked if the bill was for a new contract or service agreement. It is not. CARRIED.
- Notice was posted on the Township online platforms that bids are being sought for an Assessor. Bids should be submitted to the Township Secretary by September 7,, 2020 at 2pm.
- Clerk Hippler will be appointing Jill Coburn to serve as Deputy Clerk. Ms. Coburn will be training to take over the position of Clerk as she is currently the only candidate for the position in November.
- 080720 Clerk Hippler made a motion to increase Election Worker pay from $10/hour to $12/hour. Second from Treasurer Halbower. Supervisor Jager stated he was against the increase as member serving on the Board of Review are currently paid minimum wage, and it would be unfair to pay other boards more. Trustee Jager stated the current election workers are making more than minimum wage and that an increase should have been discussed at the budget meetings. Supervisor Jager and Trustee Jager stated election workers are paid volunteers serving the township. Clerk Hippler stated that it has become difficult to recruit workers for the election as most jurisdictions pay more and provide meals. Roll Call Vote: Treasurer Halbower, YES; Trustee Jager, NO; Clerk Hippler, YES; Supervisor Jager, No; Trustee Schroeder, Absent. REJECTED.
- 080820 Trustee Jager made a motion to rehire Austin Yarrington to the Holton Township Fire Department. Second from Treasurer Halbower. Chief Hawk stated that Mr. Yarrington had moved away from the area but has since returned. Mr. Yarrington was a valuable member of the Fire Department before his departure. CARRIED.
- Future Business
- Assessing- The Board will review all submitted proposals and make a decision at the September Board Meeting.
- Second Voting Tabulator- Funding can be found to assist in the purchase of second tabulator to process absentee ballots. Clerk Hippler will present more information next meeting.
- 080920 Trustee Jager made a motion to adjourn at 7:59 pm. Second by Treasurer Halbower. ADJOURNED.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Hippler
Holton Township Clerk
Unofficial until approved by Board.