Board Meeting Minutes – August 8, 2023
7 pm Call to Order by Supervisor Alan Jager.
Jill Colwell led Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call by Clerk Malinda Pego, all present, Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer Bill Halbower, Trustee Tammy Jager, Trustee Chris Thompsen, Clerk Malinda Pego.
Motion 010823 by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Trustee Chris Thompsen to approve minutes of July 11, 2023 Board Meeting, motion passes.
Motion 020823 by Trustee Chris Thompsen, Support by Treasurer Bill Halbower to approve bills paid, motion passes.
Business from the Floor- Holton Community Days Committee, Deanna Brant proposing a Fall Festival and requesting a resolution for roads closed for October 14, 2023.
Motion 030823 / Resolution 010823 to close Holton Duck Lake Road at Holton Whitehall Road to 3rd Street and to close Hoppman Road to Dewitt Street from 8 am to 10 pm on October 14, 2023. And to also close Holton Duck Lake Road at Holton Whitehall Road to M120/Holton Road from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, by Supervisor Alan Jager, support by Clerk Malinda Pego. Roll Call votes, passes unanimously. Supervisor Alan Jager yes, Treasurer Bill Halbower yes, Trustee Tammy Jager yes, Trustee Chris Thompsen yes, Clerk Malinda Pego yes.
Motion 040823 to accept Treasurers Report by Trustee Tammy Jager, support by Clerk Malinda Pego, motion passes.
Department Reports, Ordinance Enforcer Report and Permits Report given by Supervisor Alan Jager,
Schow Road issue discussed, Dollar General Market approved by planning commission and coming soon, 4 Building Permits, 6 Electric Permits, 5 Mechanical Permits
Library Report by Julie Vanderboegh new “Grow Little Readers” program starting, Fire Department Report by Chief Ted Hawk, 34 incidents this month, 6 mutual aid, 2 received, 4 given.
Motion 050823 by Trustee Tammy Jager, support by Trustee Chris Thompsen to approve 3 year renewal for fire contract with Cedar Creek, roll call vote, passes unanimously, Trustee Tammy Jager yes, Trustee Chris Thompsen yes, Clerk Malinda Pego yes, Supervisor Alan Jager yes, Treasurer Bill Halbower yes.
Motion 060823 by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Clerk Malinda Pego to approve Holton Booster Club Resolution for charitable gaming license, roll call votes, passes unanimously, Treasurer Bill Halbower yes, Trustee Tammy Jager yes, Supervisor Alan Jager yes, Trustee Chris Thompsen yes, and Clerk Malinda Pego yes.
Discussion about Little Silver Lake Management. Still in process of attorney discussion/advisement.
7:47 pm Motion to adjourn by Trustee Tammy Jager, support by Trustee Chris Thompsen.