Board Meeting Minutes – December 10, 2019

  1. The regular meeting of the Holton Township Board was called to order by Supervisor Jager at 7:00 pm at the Holton Township Hall.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present.
  3. Roll Call of Board Members: Trustee Schroeder absent. Treasurer Halbower, Trustee Jager, Clerk Hippler. Supervisor Jager all present.
  4. Set the agenda: Add 12J: Resolution to Approve Citizen Initiative. Agenda set with addition.
  5. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting
    • 120119 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2019 Regular Board meeting as presented. Second from Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
  6. Payment of Bills
    • 120219 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Second from Treasurer Halbower. Supervisor Jager questioned leaving DPW and Secretary payroll off of list for personal privacy. Trustee jager stated positions are part of a public entity and are public record. Clerk Hippler stated she had to include them as they are checks written from Township funds. Clerk Hippler asked which account utilities and materials for Swenson park should be charged to? Swenson Park expenses will be charged to Hall and grounds. Voice Vote: 3 Ayes, 1 Nay. CARRIED.
  7. Business From the Floor
    • Peggy Foster, 7176 Sweeter Road, representing Commissioner Gary Foster. DTE furnace program is back. Interested individuals can contact the Veterans Department. County has sold the Brookhaven Nursing Home Facility to a private company.  It will remain a nursing home facility. Supervisor Jager asked if funds from Senior Millage could be used for road repairs?  Mrs. Foster stated that funds are to help with senior specific needs.  Township does not currently have a board or individual dedicated to distributing funds. Money could be pooled with pastor in Muskegon trying to plow/shovel senior drives and sidewalks.
    • Ron Stitt, Brunswick Road- Stated he is against marijuana businesses in Holton Township. Believes Board may have acted legally but immorally and against the will of the people following the May 2019 election. Concerned money will eventually only go to the state and the township will not see any tax revenues.
    • Bob Stitt- Question previous statement of board member wanting people to have the right to use marijuana which is not the issue. Believes allowing facilities will lead to more abandoned buildings in Holton.  Stated the Township was opted out of recreational marijuana on State’s website.
    • Trustee Schroeder- Provided written comments and requested them aloud. Clerk Hippler read comments and they are attached to the minutes.
    • Tom Monnette-  Requested Board table action on Recreational Marijuana Ordinance to allow more time for review.  He was only able to obtain a copy of the ordinance less than 24 hours prior to the board meeting.
  8. Treasurer’s Report- 120319 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Second from Supervisor Jager. CARRIED.
  9. Department Reports
    • Fire Department- Repairs on damaged truck are almost complete.  It is expected to be back at HFD in approximately 2 weeks. Fire Engine has had mechanical issues and is being repaired. Runs are up approximately 20% from previous years.  Hart Fire Department has expressed interest in purchasing old tanker. Board would like to have tanker appraised, and hear an offer from Hart.  Matter will be discussed at the next meeting.
    • Library- Over 200 people attended the Christmas Celebration downtown. Library was grateful for the community support and volunteers. Every child was given a book to take home from MADL. Programming is gearing up for the new year and Spring.
    • Written reports were provided by Zoning, Permits, and Ordinance Enforcement.
  10. Correspondence
    • A Risk Management visit will take place in January to go over areas of improvement for all Township agencies.
    • Supervisor Jager attended a Cyber Security Conference. He urged all township employees to be cautious with how they use township computers to protect themselves and the township.
  11. Unfinished Business-
    • Attorney Hughes has moved to Garvis Law.  Board members will conduct more research to decide what to do in regards to general township legal guidance.
  12. New Business
    • 120419 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the 2020 Poverty Exemption Income Guidelines by Roll Call Vote. Second from Treasurer Halbower. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Jager-Yes, Supervisor Jager- Yes, Trustee Schroeder-Absent, Treasurer Halbower-YES, Clerk Hippler-Yes. CARRIED.
    • 120519-Treasurer Halbower made a motion to approve the purchase of two external security lights for 158.53 each for the Library. Second by Clerk Hippler.Treasurer Halbower stated that purchase should be charged to capital account for library. CARRIED.
    • 120619- Trustee Jager made a motion to reappoint Bill Halbower to a three year term on the Planning Commission. Second from Supervisor Jager. CARRIED.
    • 120719- Trustee Jager made a motion to re-appoint Cheyenne Williams and Louis Slater to the Planning Commission for  three year terms. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
    • 120819- Trustee Jager made a motion to appoint Jill Colwell to the Planning Commission for a three year term. Second from Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
    • Recreational (Adult Use) Marijuana Ordinance Adoption
      1. 120919- Clerk Hippler made a motion to table the Holton Township Recreational (Adult Use) Marijuana Ordinance adoption until after the next election. No Support.
      2. 121019- Trustee Jager made a motion to adopt the Holton Township Recreational (Adult Use) Marijuana Establishment Ordinance. Second from Treasurer Halbower. Clerk Hippler stated she thought it would be best to wait until after the election as residents had successfully petitioned to bring the matter to the ballot. Treasurer Halbower and Supervisor Jager stated it was needed to give business owners an opportunity and that Holton was falling behind local communities.  Supervisor Jager stated that the attorney had advised him to pass an ordinance as soon as possible. Clerk Hippler worried ordinance conflicting with possible results of election would open township up to legal issues and lawsuits.She asked if ordinance language allowing for applications to be accepted on February 20, 2020 could be amended to be after the election. No interest. Asked if the Township would be collecting fees prior to election? Treasurer Halbower stated it could but he was unaware of potential applications. Roll Call Vote: Treasurer Halbower-Yes, Trustee Schroeder-Absent, Trustee Jager-Yes, Supervisor Jager- Yes, Clerk Hippler- No. ADOPTED.
    • ORV Ordinance Review- Clerk Hippler and Trustee Schroeder met with MCRC regarding Ordinance 52.000 (ORVs on Township Roads). Without approval from MCRC the ordinance is invailid and unenforceable. MCRC would like to work with township to create an ordinance more inline with statewide ordinances and to designate certain roads off limits for safety and maintenance reasons. No objections.
    • 121119 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve a credit card for the Fire Department to be used strictly for classes, training materials, and tests and only by the Fire Chief for items with prior approval from the board limited to $750. Second from Clerk Hippler. CARRIED.
    • 121219 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept with regrets the resignations of Austin Yarrington, Summer Frens, and Dakota Peoples from the Holton Fire Department.Second from Treasurer Halbower. Board thanks all members for their service. CARRIED.
    • 121319 Resolution 12012019- Clerk Hippler made a motion to approve the Resolution 12012019 To Approve Citizen Initiative Opposing Adult Use (Recreational) Marijuana Establishments In Holton Township.  Second from Trustee Jager. Clerk Hippler stated that the township had received petitions to prohibit Adult Use (Recreational) Marijuana Establishments in Holton Township with the required amount of signatures. The next step in the process is to send the issue to the Muskegon County Clerk to be placed on the next ballot. Language drafted by Attorney Kaufman was presented for review by the board.  The language to be used on the ballot will be “Shall Holton Township adopt an ordinance to completely prohibit recreational (adult use) marihuana establishments in the Township?”. Trustee Jager made a friendly motion to amend the Title of the resolution to include “MCL 333.27951” and to specify “adult use/recreational marihuana” in the first section. Roll Call Vote: Treasurer Halbower-Yes, Supervisor Jager-Yes, Trustee Jager-Yes, Clerk Hippler-Yes, Trustee Schroeder- Absent. CARRIED.
  13. Future Business- None
  14. 121419- Trustee Jager made a motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm. Second from Treasurer Halbower. ADJOURNED.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Hippler, Clerk

Unofficial until Approved by Board.

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