Board Meeting Minutes – December 10, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Jager.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Trustee Brant.
Roll Call by Clerk Murat – Supervisor Jager, Treasurer Halbower, Clerk Murat, Trustee
Brant, Trustee Jager all present.
Motion 1-12-24 to approve meeting minutes of Nov. 12, 2024 by Trustee Jager support
by Treasurer Halbower, motion passes.
Motion 2-12-24 to approve payment of the bills as presented by Trustee Jager support
by Trustee Brant, motion passes.
Business from the floor – Loren Dobe 8784 Lyon St regarding the consideration of
consolidating townships, Blue Lake, Cedar Creek and Holton to reduce expenses, the
need for a new user friendly website, the purchase of a treadmill for the public at the
school or township hall, adding a bike trail at Syers Park and disk golf course and
inquired as to who voted on having a militia for Holton Township. Bob Dausman 6855
Brunswick Rd asked if the board would consider writing a letter to congress to ask the
spread of digestate not be allowed in the township.
Motion 3-12-24 to approve letter from the board, as a whole, to congress to stop the
use of the digester as well as the spread of digestate and industrial food waste by
trustee Brant support by Clerk Murat, motion passes.
Roll Call vote: Trustee Jager, Treasurer Halbower, Trustee Brant, Supervisor Jager, Clerk
Murat, all yes motion passes.
Correspondence, Digester- discussed with business from the floor. Open meetings act-
Supervisor Jager explained. Fleis &Vandenbrink- Matt Biolette explained his proposal to
provide a needs study for new township hall, tabled for future meeting.
Motion 4-12-24 to accept Treasurer’s report as presented by Trustee Jager, support by
Brant, motion passes.
Department Reports:
Library- Julie was not in attendance, no report. Fire- 29 total calls: 24 Holton, 5 Cedar
Creek and assisted with 4 mutual aids. All firefighters are now complete with
certifications. Supervisor Jager asked if it was time to let our current deputy chief go and
a decision to be made soon. Ordinance- no new complaints. Inspections- 19 new permits
for $3405.00
Unfinished Business- No new business.
New Business
Motion 5-12-24 to accept 2025 Poverty Guidelines as presented by Treasurer
Halbower support by Trustee Jager, motion passes.
Motion 6-12-24 to accept Fire Dept. request for new brush guard on truck in the
amount of $1870.25 by Trustee Jager support by Trustee Brant, motion passes.
Future Business- none.
Motion 7-12-24 to adjourn 8:24 by supervisor Jager support by Clerk Murat, motion