Board Meeting Minutes – December 13, 2022
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm
Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
Roll Call: Treasurer Halbower, Trustee Jager, Supervisor Jager, Trustee Thompsen all present.
Agenda is set.
Review of minutes:
120122 Trustee Jager made motion to accept November 9, 2022 minutes as presented. 2nd Treasurer Halbower CARRIED
120222 Trustee Jager made motion to accept minutes from the specials meetings December 6th and 13th of 2022 as presented. 2nd Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED
Review of Bills:
1203122 Trustee Jager made motion to pay the bills. 2nd Trustee Thompsen. CARRIED
Business from the floor: None
Treasurer’s Report:
120422 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept Treasurer’s Report as presented. 2nd Trustee Thompsen. CARRIED
Department Reports:
Board was provided with written reports on building permits and Ordinance Enforcing.
Librarian Julie reported that Holton’s 2nd grade was one of ten schools chosen to attend a special meet and greet the author Matt de la Pena at Orchard View program. Adult class to start in January 2023 for Stretch and More. They are continuing the Story Time and Book Club. Over 240 participated in the Christmas program. MADL staff will be working with Holton Elementary/Middle School on their Literacy program.
Fire Department – calls are about the same as last year. They had 30 in the month of November. Every things is going great.
Supervisor Jager reported his visit to the Road Commission, where supervisors were ask to attend. They would like the supervisors to put in orders for next year’s work early. Many stated they could not because of the fiscal year issues and not having a direct amount for budgets. Possible work on Brunswick Road from M120 to Brickyard. Several supervisors voiced their concerns over lack of work on roads with farms.
Verbal correspondence on the lack of lighting on the flag in the park. Township didn’t realize the light was out. We are going to put a solar powered light on the pole.
New Business:
Fire Department new hire update. They are having electrical issues with the wiring and breaker box. A friend stopped in and talked with them on what appears to be the problems. They are going to bring in a few quotes.
120522 Motion made by Trustee Jager to appoint Malinda Pego as Holton Township clerk to finish out the current term. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen CARRIED
Julie Vanderboegh swore Malinda Pego in as the new Holton Township Clerk. Trustee Jager will finish taking the minutes for this meeting.
Treasurer Halbower talked about the DNR Sparks Grant. The Parks and Recreation Commission put together a list of items for the grant. A multipurpose court for basketball and pickle ball on the North Park. Pour concrete slabs for the 6 disc golf baskets. Resurface the entrance to the north park. Add additional parking lots. Place sidewalk from pavilion to handicapped accessible vaulted restrooms to increase accessibility. Purchase and install a storage shed that could possibly be used for storage and concessions. Resolution was read.
Roll call vote.
120622 Motion made by Trustee Jager to approve resolution for the grant and $25,000.00 match. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen. Supervisor Jager – Yes; Treasurer Halbower – Yes; Trustee Jager – Yes; Trustee Thompsen – Yes; Clerk Pego- Yes. CARRIED
Small discussion funds are in the general fund and we can cut some of the road budget if necessary.
Future Business: A company is exploring putting in a renewable Natural Gas Production Facility at the Digester. Zoning Admin was looking for advice and direction. No motions were made. Discussion and consensus was it needs to go to the Planning Commission.
Christmas tree in the park is to big to decorate with a ladder. Discussion on taking out and possible putting in a smaller tree. Or put in an artificial tree. The board will think on this and come back with ideas.
120722 Motion made by Trustee Jager to adjourn at 8:12 pm. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen. CARRIED.
Adjourned: 8:12 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Jager
Holton Trustee