Board Meeting Minutes for April 9, 2013
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance given by all present
Roll Call: Trustee Wilson , Trustee Jager, Clerk Johnson, Supervisor Noble, and Treasurer Halbower present.
Add to agenda: 12.C Spring Newsletter
12.D Park Caretaker Agreement
Agenda is set.
Review of minutes: March 12, 2013
040113 Trustee Wilson made the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.
Review of Bills:
040213 Trustee Wilson made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Mr. Noble introduced Mr. James Derezinski our Muskegon County Commissioner and he talked for a couple of minutes.
Business from the Floor: Stacey Wright of Ryerson Road from Holton Schools – they would like permission to hang and maintain baskets of flowers on main street, and also put curb flowers on the curb area by M120. They also have some banners for Christmas time. The board thought that was very nice.
Harvey Weglarz of Round Lake Drive would like to discuss Linderman and Brunswick Roads. The road is terrible there and would like to know what we can do about it. They have had thousands of dollars of damage to their vehicles because of the condition of the road, and not being properly being maintained. The road commission says it is the townships responsibility. Mick has driven it, and it is in rough shape. He contacted Mr. Hulka and he replied by letter that they are waiting for the spring thaw then they will send a road grader out to shape the road correctly. Mick also suggested that they attend the road commission meeting with his pictures, and information.
Treasurer’s Report:
040313 Trustee Jager made the motion to accept the treasurers report as presented. Trustee Wilson seconded. CARRIED.
Department Reports: Fire Chief Art Stevens reported total man hours of 347 for December. Expenses for the 206 account were $5769.23 and it is 6% under budget. Expenses for the 216 account were $6,519.84, and it is 10% under budget. Art also mentioned that they have recently had a few fire fighters leave a couple have retired, and one has moved. There are currently 11 fire fighters.
Correspondence: Letter read in Business from the floor from Ken Hulka.
Unfinished Business: none
New Business: Transfer station waste removal contract. Mick sent out requests for the dumpster removal contract and received three replies. Uganski – $175 each pull, Wayland CDR – $250 each pull, Montague MCK – $130 each pull.
040413 Trustee Jager made the motion that if MCK’s reference checks out to enter into a contract with them for the service. Clerk Johnson seconded. Discussion. Treasurer Halbower amended the motion to have Mick contact Uganski – as we have had good service from them for years, and give them the opportunity to match MCK’s price, and if they match it than offer them the contract, otherwise go with MCK. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.
Park Grant – A grant for $9200 has been applied for from Muskegon Area County Foundation, and if they approve it, we would have to match ½ of the amount.
040513 Trustee Wilson made the motion that if we obtain the grant from MCAF for fence for park that the township would meet the match. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.
Spring Newsletter – Mick is doing a Spring newsletter with information on burn permits, roads, rental reminders, info on the Memorial Grant, and park progress. Is there anything else that can be included?
Park Caretaker Agreement – mows grass, opens and shuts gates, and anything else that is needed. Discussion of # 13 – change the wording on # 13.
040613 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to renew the caretaker agreement with Jason Kittel for the coming year. Trustee Wilson seconded. CARRIED.
Motion to Adjourn:
040713 Trustee Wilson made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 p.m. Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Melanie Johnson
Holton Township Clerk