Board Meeting Minutes for December 10, 2013


Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance given by all present

Roll Call:  Treasurer Halbower, Supervisor Noble, Clerk Johnson, Trustee Jager, and Trustee Wilson present.

Agenda is set.

Review of minutes – November 12, 2013 meeting.

120113                    Trustee Wilson made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Trustee Jager seconded.                         CARRIED.            

Review of Bills:

120213                    Trustee Wilson  made the motion to pay the bills as presented.  Trustee Jager seconded. 


Business from the Floor:  Bob Dausman, Brunswick Road, asked how long the township would continue to remove snow on the public sidewalks and if we would consider doing so for the businesses downtown?

Treasurer’s Report: 

120313                    Trustee Wilson made a motion to accept the report as presented.  Trustee Jager seconded.                CARRIED.               

Department Reports:

Fire Chief Stevens reported 395 total man hours. 

The 206 account expenses were $7,336.99 and it is 5% under budget.  The 216 account had $0 expenses and it is 37% over budget because of paying off the truck loan early.

Art would like permission to replace the Hurst tool.  The present one is 20 years old and it is getting hard

to  get replacement parts for it.  The equipment committee has looked at tools for over a year now and are

recommending the purchase of the Genesis Tool from Rescue Resources at a cost of $25,984.

120413                    Trustee Jager made the motion to allow the purchase of the Genesis Tool at the cost of$25,984.  Clerk Johnson seconded.  CARRIED.

Art also is requesting to purchase a Rhyno Windshield Cutter as glass has been changing and the present tools will not work with the new glass.  The full kit is $700 and he would like to purchase 2 kits.

120513                    Trustee Wilson made the motion that Art be allowed to purchase two Ryno Cuttertool kits.  Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.

 Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business:   Past Special Use Permits – There are approximately 34 of the 70 past permits that would be inspected to see if they are still valid and that the established requirements are being followed.  It is recommended the list be turned over to the Zoning Administrator for follow up.

120613                    Treasurer Halbower made the motion to pay Don Rohlck $35 per permit to follow upon these Special Use Permits.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.

Increase in Special Use Permit Fee from $625 to $660 to help offset the cost of new Special Use Permits, and a follow up within the first year.

120713                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to increase the Special Use Permit fee to $660.  Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.

New Business:  House at  7161 Holton Duck Lake Road – the property had gone to the County tax sale and it didn’t sell at the auction.  We can let it go to the County or reclaim the property and try and sell it with the stipulation that the new owner has to tear down and clean up the burned house, or the township clean up the house, or possible pay to have any asbestos removed and allow the fire department to use it for a training burn.

 120813                   Clerk Johnson made the motion that the township reclaim the property and decide inthe future what to do with the property.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.

Tammy, Art, and Alan will be on a committee for recommendations on what to do with the house and property for sometime in March or April.

After discussion the snow removal being done on the sidewalks will continue the same.    

Motion to Adjourn:

120913                    Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.

Respectfully submitted

Melanie Johnson

Holton Township Clerk

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