Board Meeting Minutes for June 13, 2017
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
Roll Call: Trustee Schroeder, Treasurer Halbower, Supervisor Jager, Clerk Johnson, and Trustee Jager.
Add to Agenda: New Business – Fire Department Escorts
Agenda is set.
Review of minutes:
060117 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the May 9, 2017 minutes as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Review of Bills:
060217 Trustee Jager made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Business from the Floor: Julie Vanderbough, Librarian gave the board hand outs with MADL programs and information.
County Commissioner Gary Foster had no new information from the County.
Treasurer’s Report:
060317 Trustee Jager made the motion to accept the treasurers report as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Department Reports: Fire Chief hawk reported total man-hours of 303 for May.
Expenses for the 206 account were $12,658.39 which is currently 6.8% under budget.
No Correspondence:
No Unfinished Business:
New Business: Old DPW truck. Alan would like to sell the truck and take bids starting at $1500. The estimated value of the truck is $2000. The notice is to state that the truck has mechanical and brake issues.
060417 Trustee Schroeder made the motion to put the old DPW truck up for sale $1500, specifying the mechanical and brake issues. Trustee Jager seconded.
Discussion on how to sell the truck and whether to take sealed bids or on a first come first served basis. After discussion it was decided to take sealed bids.
060417 Trustee Schroeder amended the motion to accept sealed bids with the minimum bid of $1500 submitted by July 6th at noon, with the bids to be opened at noon. CARRIED.
Board Meeting Dates: 2017 – July 11, Aug 8, Sept 12, Nov 14, Dec 12, 2017. 2018 – Jan 9, Feb 13,
Mar 13, Apr 10, May 8, June 12, 2018
060517 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to accept the Resolution to establish Board Meeting
Dates for the next fiscal year. Trustee Jager seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Trustee Jager – YES, Clerk Johnson – YES, Supervisor Jager – YES, Treasurer Halbower – YES, Trustee Schroeder – YES. RESOLTUION PASSES.
Fire Department Pagers: The present pagers are old and starting to have repair issues Marc would like to
Purchase 10 Watchdog pagers @ $355 ea for a total cost of $3550.
060617 Trustee Jager made the motion for Marc to purchase 10 Watchdog pagers for the cost of $3550. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Fire Department Escorts: There was a recent issue with a last minute request to have an athletic team escorted back to school and it was brought to the board’s attention. The board was also informed that it is illegal to use the lights and sirens for this unless the road is closed. A list of guidelines was presented
to the board developed by the Fire Department Officers for consideration if the escorting of sports teams is to continue. Also hand outs of what the law is regarding this. There was considerable discussion and the board will study the information presented and will address this at a future board meeting.
Motion to Adjourn:
060717 Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Melanie Johnson
Holton Township Clerk