Board Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2015
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
Roll Call: Supervisor Noble, Clerk Johnson, and Trustee Jager present. Trustee Wilson and Treasurer Halbower absent.
Agenda is set.
Review of minutes:
050115 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the April 14, 2015 minutes as presented. Supervisor Noble seconded. CARRIED.
Review of Bills:
050215 Trustee Jager made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Supervisor Noble seconded. CARRIED.
Business from the Floor: Ms Shawn Grabinski, Director of Muskegon Central Dispatch talked about Smart 911 – A new program where citizens can register their information and in a 911 situation it will be accessed which may help in for a location or other information an emergency situation. Details that could save valuable time during an emergency. Any information that they choose to add to their profile, and it would only be accessed in an emergency.
Central Dispatch in on the ballot in August for a mileage renewal.
Treasurer Halbower arrived at 7:18 pm.
Treasurer’s Report:
050315 Trustee Jager made the motion to accept the treasurers report as presented. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.
Department Reports:
Fire Chief Stevens reported man-hours for the month of April. Total man hours 173 hours.
Expenses for the 206 account were $5,776.68and is currently 19% under budget. The 216 account had $0 expenses and is 83% under budget.
No Correspondence: Matts Bus System – during March and April there were 386 – the service will continue for at least 6 more months and then it will be reevaluated again.
Memorial Day – A committee was formed with someone from the American Legion, School, the Fire Department and Supervisor Nobel to organize the Memorial Day program – this will be ongoing also.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: Rental Inspector – William Sarber was hired for the position last year – he was to start making calls and has not – he has been contacted 4 times since and has not responded. Mick recommends letting him go and start the hiring process again.
050415 Trustee Jager made the motion to excuse Mr. Sarber as Rental Inspector and start advertising for someone to fill the position. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Revision of Cemetery Ordinance – a few changes are needed.
Page 206 48.008 #6 remove (How to correct) end of last sentence.
Page 206 48.008 #5 add in date of May 22, 2000
Page 207 48.008 #7 eliminate #7
Page 207 48.009 #1 E Change refrain from to Not consume
Page 208 48.010 #3 C Delete Cemetery employee will not be permitted to assist the coroner or his agents.
Page 208 48.010 #3 D Add expense to Opening/closing expense of gravesite will be the responsibility of heirs.
050415 Clerk Johnson made the motion to Amend the Cemetery Ordinance with the above changes.
Treasurer Halbower seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Trustee Jager – YES, Clerk Johnson – YES,
Supervisor Noble – YES, Treasurer Halbower – YES. Trustee Wilson – ABSENT.
Cost of disinterments – Add to Price sheet – Disinterments – 2x cost of opening and closing per current rate
050514 Trustee Jager made the motion to add to Burial Price Sheets Disinterments – 2x cost of opening and closing per current rate. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.
Budget Workshop – May 20th at 9a.m.
Motion to Adjourn:
050615 Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Melanie Johnson
Holton Township Clerk