Board Meeting Minutes for May 14, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance given by all present

Roll Call:  Supervisor Noble, Clerk Johnson, Trustee Jager, and Trustee Wilson present.  Treasurer Halbower absent


Add to agenda:  12.E  Budget workshop date


Agenda is set.


Review of minutes:  April 09, 2013


050113                    Trustee Wilson made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Trustee Jager seconded.                  CARRIED.


Review of Bills:

050213                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to pay the bills as presented.  Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED

Business from the Floor:  None


Treasurer’s Report: 


050313                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to accept the treasurers report as presented.  Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.

Department Reports:  Fire Chief Art Stevens reported total man hours of 278.5 for April.   Expenses for the 206 account were $11,647.61 and it is 18% under budget.  Expenses for the 216 account were $5,000.00, and  it is 12% of budget.


Tom West Planning Commission Chairman reported that they have been doing some training.


Correspondence:  None

Unfinished Business:   None


New Business:  Concrete replacement at Library.  The sidewalk has sunk in and is dangerous.  Mick contacted 5 business for quotes.  Two responded. #1 Schmidt Roofing & Construction, Inc. with a bid of $1500  #2  Patron Construction with a bid of $700.


050413                    Trustee Jager made the motion to hire Patron Construction to do the concrete work at the library for the cost of $700.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED

Request for Marc to attend MAMC conference in Frankenmuth in June at a cost of approximately $500.

Tammy asked what was covered at a cemetery conference.  MTA rules and regulations, Civil war grave restoration and history of civil war burials in Michigan.  Also a session by a paranormal investigator.


050513                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to send Marc to the Cemetery conference.  Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.


Art requested permission to have lettering done on the fire truck recently acquired.  For the cost of $610 by Brand You Sign & Graphics.


050613                    Trustee Jager made the motion to allow Art to have the lettering done on the truck by Brand You for     $610.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Art would like to purchase a sign for in front of the fire station.  He has a quote of $110 for this sign.


050713                    Trustee Wilson made the motion that Art be allowed to purchase a sign for in front of the fire station for $110.  Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.


Art would also like permission to purchase 25 shirts for the fire fighters with HTFD on them.  They would all be identified as Holton Fire Fighters by these shirts when they do a training at school or  for other occasions.  The average cost would be $12 apiece.


050813                    Trustee Wilson made the motion that Art purchase 25 shirts for the fire fighters.  Trustee Jager

seconded.  CARRIED.


Tom West would like to purchase a future land use map for $60.  This would lay out the future goals.


050913                    Clerk Johnson made the motion to purchase the future land use map from WMSRD at a cost of $60.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Budget workshop meeting date –  Tuesday May 28th at 9am was approved.

Julie Vanderburgh – Would like to request improvements for the library.  The conference room needs new blinds –

cost of approximately $125.

Also an air conditioner with a remote so she doesn’t have to climb a ladder to turn it on and off.

The book return box leaks when it rains and she would like to replace this also.  Depending on the type it could be $1500-$4000.  Mick responded that we would address this at the budget workshop.


A resident asked about brining on Brunswick road. Also about some possible experimental top that may be

used on it – that a member of the MCRC has suggested.  Still waiting to hear on that.


Motion to Adjourn:


051013                    Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:036p.m.  Trustee Wilson                              seconded.  CARRIED.


Respectfully submitted,


Melanie Johnson

Holton Township Clerk

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