Board Meeting Minutes for November 11, 2014

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.


Roll Call:  Trustee Wilson, Trustee Jager, Clerk Johnson, and Supervisor Noble.  Treasurer Halbower absent.


Agenda is set.


Review of minutes:


110114                  Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the October 14, 2014 minutes as presented.                                           Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Review of Bills:

110214                  Trustee Wilson made the motion to pay the bills as presented.  Trustee Jager                                                        seconded.  CARRIED.


Business from the Floor:

Ms. Amy Brookhouse of Holton Duck Lake Road spoke on behalf of Jason Kennedy, Holton School

Superintendent – regarding the community meeting and gave out a flyer and invited board members to


She also talked about the school hosting a game between Muskegon and Petoskey at the football

field, and invited anyone interested in volunteering.


Treasurer’s Report: 


110314                  Trustee Jager made the motion to accept the treasurers report as presented.  Trustee                                          Wilson  seconded.  CARRIED.

Department Reports: 


Fire Chief Stevens reported for the month of October.  Total man hours 320.5 hours. Expenses for the 206 account were $22,879.06 which is currently 6% under budget. The 216 account had zero expenses and is 33% under budget.

Five sets of turn out gear arrived and have been paid for.  Art would like to purchase an additional 9 sets

of gear at a cost of $1725 per set for a total cost of $15,525 with funds available in the budget.


110414                  Trustee Jager made the motion to allow Art to purchase 9 sets of turn out gear at

$1725 each for a total cost of $15,525.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.

Correspondence:  None

Unfinished Business:  None

New Business:  Request to purchase a new washing machine that is acceptable to use with the

turn out gear.  A quote for an LG washer at $928, and a Samsung washer at $828.  Comments

that the Samsung was not as good.

110514                  Trustee Wilson made the motion for Art to purchase the LG washer at the cost of

$928.  Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.

Motion to Adjourn:

110614                  Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m.  Trustee Wilson                                           seconded.  CARRIED.

Respectfully submitted,

Melanie Johnson

Holton Township Clerk

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