Board Meeting Minutes for November 8, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:09 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
Roll Call: Treasurer Halbower, Supervisor Noble, Trustee Jager present. Trustee Wilson and Clerk
Johnson absent.
Added to agenda: Under Xii – 1. Fire Department – purchases. 2. Fire Truck – repairs.
Review of minutes:
110116 Trustee Jager made motion to accept the October 11, 2016 minutes as written.
Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Review of bills:
110216 Trustee Jager made motion to pay the bills as presented. Treasurer Halbower
seconded. CARRIED
Business from the floor: Commissioner Lohman – Did the board have any questions. No, thanks for
Treasurer’s Report:
110316 Trustee Jager made motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.
Supervisor Nobel seconded. CARRIED.
Department Reports: Fire Department Chief Stevens reported for the month of October. Paid man
hours 159. The 206 account is 11% under budget. The 216 account had zero expenses. Still no word
on the Morris property fire on Maple Island Road.
Correspondence: None
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
Fire Chief Stevens – Would like to purchase 2 ladder platforms that will help stabilize the ladders when
working on metal roofs. After checking with a local roofing company 75% of the roofs they install are
metal. Ladders will cost $950.00 (for two). They will hook on to the ladders already on the truck.
110416 Trustee Jager made motion to allow the Fire Department to purchase two ladder
platforms for a total of $950.00. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED
Fire Chief Stevens – Would like to purchase two G-Force nozzles. Their current ones are wearing out.
The cost is $525.00. Rough total cost $1,050.00
110516 Trustee Jager made motion to allow the Fire Department to purchase two G-Force
nozzles at a cost of $1,050.00. Treasure Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Fire Chief Stevens – would like to purchase Diamond Blades for the newly donated saw. They will
hold up better, cut better and last. The cost is $175.00 for one blade.
110616 Trustee Jager made the motion to allow the Fire Department to purchase one
diamond blade at a cost of $175.00. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Fire Chief Stevens – Would like to purchase thermal imagine camera for the back up fire truck. It will
be less money then the first one. The cost is $1,497.60. When ask if he money purchase – Yes he has
the money.
110716 Trustee Jager made motion to allow the Fire Department to purchase thermal
camera for the back up fire truck. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Fire Chief Stevens – Engine 1965 Tender/pumper is a 1986 Ford, 30 years old. It is in need of repairs.
West Michigan International in Muskegon gave an estimate to repair the radiator and damages caused
by leak. Expecting the cost to be around $8,500.00. Chief Stevens recommends repairs.
110816 Trustee Jager made motion to allow the Fire Department to repair Engine 1965 for an
estimated $8,500.00. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
110916 Treasurer Halbower made motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Trustee Jager seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Jager
Holton Township Trustee