Board meeting minutes for October 14, 2014

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.

Roll Call:  Treasurer Halbower, Supervisor Noble, Trustee Wilson, Trustee Jager present.  Clerk Johnson absent.

Clerk Johnson present at 7:01pm.

Add to agenda.      12.H  ZBA appointment

12.I  Budget amendment

12.J  Drain Commission

Agenda is set.

Review of minutes:

100114                    Trustee Wilson made a motion to accept the September 9, 2014 minutes as presented.       Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.

Review of Bills:

100214                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to pay the bills as presented.  Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.


Business from the Floor:  Mr. Jason Kennedy, of E. Daniels Road, Twin Lake – Superintendent of Holton

Schools spoke about a shared opportunity with the Township.  There is a meeting on November 18th at 6pm

with area citizens, businesses, clergy and any township officials that would like to attend.  They will discuss

Holton as a community and work together to make it the best it can be.  To make the school district the best

it can be also for a small community.


Treasurer’s Report: 

100314                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to accept the treasurers report as presented.  Trustee Jager  seconded.  CARRIED.

Department Reports:  We have Art’s fire department written report.


Unfinished Business:   Blight Ordinance – Discussion on whether we need this – most of it is already covered in our ordinances already.  There are  a couple of things not covered.  A committee will be formed to discuss this.  Treasurer Halbower and Trustee Wilson and a couple of community members will meet and discuss what should be in it.


New Business:  Resignation of Tom West as Ordinance Enforcer.

100414                    Treasurer Halbower made the motion to accept Tom’s resignation as Ordinance Enforcer.

Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Post Office property –  The new owner sent a letter again regarding purchase of the property – he did not include an offer for the property, but Bill felt that it was only going to be the annualized lease value.  The Board will not take any action on this.


Appoint to Planning Commission:  Val Jensen

100514                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to appoint Val Jensen to the Planning Commission. Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.


Hiring of Ordinance Enforcer:  Mick recommends Kurt Medendorp

100614                    Trustee Jager made the motion to hire Kurt Medendorp as the Ordinance Enforcer.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Transfer station voucher system – this system is working great for Fruitland Township and should we try it.

Residents purchase vouchers in $5, $10, or $20 amounts and they are punched when used.

100714                    Trustee Jager made the motion to start using the voucher system with December 1st as the  start date.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.

Discussion of the tires at transfer station – Bill Swartz offered to cut them up in quarters and they can be disposed of periodically in the dumpsters.  It was discussed that we should have the first load taken out by the company we have the agreement with.  There have been some thefts of the metal that we set aside for recycling.


ZBA appointment:  Mick recommends Val Jensen.

100814                    Clerk Johnson made the motion to appoint Val Jensen to the ZBA position.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Budget adjustment – transfer $10,000 from 446.800 which would have been used for brining to the 265.970 account to use for purchase of the new Grasshopper.

100914                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to transfer $10,000 from 446.800 to the 265.970 account for the Grasshopper purchase.  Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.


Drain Commission – Muskegon County used to cover the costs of employees before, and we used to just pay for the spraying, but now they won’t pay any.  We will have to pay 10% of the up keep costs.  The Folsom drain will be $500 and the Hanson drain will be $268.


Fire department request to add Jake Mann as a probationary fire fighter after he has completed pre- employment physical.

101014                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to add Jake Mann as a probationary fire fighter.  Trustee Jager seconded.  CARRIED.


Motion to Adjourn

101114                    Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Respectfully submitted,

Melanie Johnson

Holton Township Clerk

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