Board Meeting Minutes for September 10, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance given by all present

Roll Call: Trustee Wilson , Trustee Jager, Clerk Johnson, Supervisor Noble, and Treasurer Halbower

Agenda is set.

Review of minutes:

090113 Trustee Jager made a motion to the August 13, 2013 accept the minutes as written. Trustee Wilson seconded. CARRIED.

Review of Bills:

090213 Trustee Wilson made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.

Business from the Floor: Mr. Ken Schaub from Brickyard Road questioned who is monitoring and enforcing he conditions that are set at a special use permit meeting. Example is a business near him that is
expanding and this is not in compliance with the approved special use. If they make changes from the original special use permit they need to go back to Planning Commission again to get approval for changes. At this time no one is in place to follow through on special use permits.

Mr. Rodney Dial from Brickyard Road questioned what is covered in the camping ordinance that is not covered by Michigan Public Health Code. They cover campgrounds and our ordinance doesn’t.

Treasurer’s Report:

090313 Trustee Wilson made the motion to accept the treasurers report as presented. Trustee
Jager seconded. CARRIED.

Department Reports:

Tom West Planning Commission Chairman – They are working on updates to ordinances which was started two years ago and they will continue this till they are ready to be approved.

Fire Chief Art Stevens reported total man hours for 206 account for were August. Expenses for the 206 account were $4,61210,287.85 and it is 6% under budget. Expenses for the 216 account were $27,348.29 – the reason it is so high is because the fire truck was paid off early to save on interest.

Art would like to add two new men as probationary to the fire department. They are ready for physicals. Danny Russell and Nicholas Sigurdsson.

090413 Clerk Johnson made the motion to add Danny Russell and Nicholas Sigurdsson on as
Probationary fire fighters. Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.

Art would like permission to replace the suction unit for aspirations at a cost of $750. This is required equipment.

090513 Trustee Jager made the motion to allow Art to purchase a suction unit. Trustee
Wilson seconded. CARRIED.

Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: Camping Ordinance Draft – In section 4 letter B – remove sentences 2&3.

090613 Trustee Wilson made the motion to adopt the Camping Ordinance with the changes
made. Trustee Jager seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE. Treasurer Halbower – YES,
Supervisor Noble – YES, Clerk Johnson – YES, Trustee Jager – YES, Trustee

New Business: Tires for township truck – there are 3 quotes and the one from Meekhof Tire of Muskegon
is recommended.

090713 Trustee Jager made the motion to allow Marc to purchase the tires from Meekhof Tire at
a cost of $677.60. Trustee Wilson seconded.. CARRIED.

Supervisor Noble would like permission to attend the Fall MTA mini-conference.

090813 Trustee Wilson made the motion to allow Supervisor Noble to attend the mini-conference.
Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.

The changes suggested by Ordinance Enforcer Val Jensen to Mick regarding household and plastic waste
burning are already covered in our ordinance so no changes are being made.

Brickyard Road repairs north of Meinert for the ½ stretch – Leon would do for $6000 if the Amish cleared out the holes. Mr. Dial mentioned that the Amish would fill them with cement so Mick will contact Mr.
Hulka to see if they would allow this.

The road commission is supposed to be fixing the drain in front of the library sometime next week.

Appointment of Rodney Dial to the Planning Commission – term to expire 2015

090913 Trustee Wilson made the motion to appoint Rodney Dial to the Planning Commission
Through 2015. Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.

The township would like to thank Tom West for making the frame for the future land use map.

Motion to Adjourn:

091013 Trustee Wilson made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m. Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.

Respectfully submitted,

Melanie Johnson
Holton Township Clerk

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