Board Meeting Minutes for September 12, 2017
Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
Roll Call: Treasurer Halbower, Trustee Schroeder, Supervisor Jager, Trustee Jager present. Clerk Johnson absent.
Added to agenda: Set.
Review of minutes:
090117 Trustee Jager made motion to accept the August 8, 2017 minutes as written. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Review of bills:
090217 Trustee Jager made motion to pay the bills as presented. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Business from the floor: Librarian Julie Vanderboegh ask if the Holton board would approve the purchase, money to come from Capital improvement account, for a literature rack, cork board and a children’s rug for story time.
090317 Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to allow Librarian Vanderboegh to spend up to $900.00 on the following items: literature rack, cork board and a children’s rug.Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.
County Commissioner Gary Foster reported that the county used creative accounting and took care of jail issues. Commissioner Foster thought someone would be out to further explain the vote in November. Treasurer Halbower asked about recycling if the county was doing anything. Commissioner Foster is heads that committee and welcomed Treasurer Halbower to join them.
Treasurer’s Report:
090417 Trustee Jager made motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Department Reports: Fire Department personal were unable to attend they had another meeting. Man hours: Paid were 148 for Aug. and Donated time was 150 hours.
Correspondence: Supervisor Jager reported that he attended Cedar Creeks meeting and thanked them for doing the tire drive. They filled 3 semi trailers, plus a few extra tires.
Unfinished Business: Chief Hawk was unavailable for the Escort rules. No board action taken.
New Business: Zoning Administrator says he needs board approval before he does any reports. Motion made by Trustee Jager, zoning administrator to provide Holton Township board with permits totals given out. Motion was rescinded.
Discussion: BSA software can provide permits for electrical, building, plumbing and mechanical. That doesn’t give a list of projects coming into the township.
Motion made by Trustee Jager – zoning administrator to provide a written report and status of compliance permits per month, each month.
Discussion about wording and reports that can be done by BSA. Planing Commission should be notified as well.
090517 Motion made by Trustee Jager that zoning administrator to provide written reports on compliance (zoning) permits and status of permits, per month for each month to the Holton Township Board and Holton Township Planing Commission. Report is to include all potential & inquires into Holton Township for compliance request or information for commercial business. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
Park Care taker. Several interviews were done. The Park listed recommendations.
090617 Motion made by Trustee Jager to enter into an agreement with Grant Younts, for one year as Holton Township Parks Caretaker. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
Holton Township’s electrical inspector passed away suddenly. Condolences to his family. We have a replacement and he is willing to do a one year contract. Mr. Jeff Johnson.
090717 Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to enter into a one year contract with Mr. Jeff Johnson electrical inspection services. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Building Official to retire on the September 30, 2017.
090817 Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to accept Mr. McIntyre’s resignation with Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Holton’s current building inspector is now licensed for building official and is interested in the job.
090917 Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to contract with Mr. Bob Tuffs for Holton building official. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
Discussion: Over building official will be the same as building inspector so they would be harder for people to over ride the inspector. However, they can appeal it to the construction board of appeals.
Cedar Creek Drive – a private drive -No board action taken. Open discussion on options. Special Assessment is one option. It is a long process and there are fees involved. Also they would need a cost of snow plowing. Can be set by parcel or linear feet. The number of years. Muskegon County Road Commission really does not have the the man power to do private roads. They require 85 to 90% of property owners to sign. Discussion about the Holton Board may need 75 to 80% of property owners signatures for assessment. Cedar Creek Drive residents could meet at town hall for a discussion. County Commissioner Foster said he would try to get some number from the Muskegon Road Commission.
Needed a vote to have our assessment rolls done electronically filed.
091017 Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to: Resolution to authorize the County of Muskegon & State of Michigan Tax commission to use computerized assessment rolls for Holton Township taxes for a period of three (3) years starting in 2018. Trustee Schroeder seconded.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Trustee Schroeder: Yes Clerk Johnson: Absent, Trustee Jager: Yes, Treasurer Halbower: Yes, Supervisor Jager: Yes. Carried.
091117 Motion made by Trustee Schroeder to adjourn. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.
Adjourned 8:14 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Jager
Holton Township Trustee