Board Meeting Minutes – January 11, 2022

Called to Order:  7:02 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Given by all.

Roll Call:  Trustee Thonpson – present; Supervisor Jager – present; Treasurer Halbower – present; Trustee Jager – present; Clerk Coburn – absent.

Added to the agenda: Under new business: 12. C. Grant for Fire Department – 12. D. Park Purchases.

01-01-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept the minutes as presented. 2nd by Trustee Thompson.        CARRIED

 01-02-22  Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to table the bills until next month. 2nd by Trustee Jager.          CARRIED

Business form the Floor:

Mr. Jim Berghuis – burning again and tearing more cars apart at 10883 Schow Road.  Where is the township?  Stock pile of tires may be on Holton Road.   Mr. Berghuis was informed that we are in the process and doing the best we can but it takes time.  The DNR officers that were present were very interested in the case.  They have to be caught in the act of burning illegal items. Public Health Department may be interested in hearing all of this. 

 01-03-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept Treasurer Report as presented. 2nd by Trustee Thompson.   CARRIED

Permits: 25 were issued.

Ordinance Report:  Finally going to court on one case.

Library Report: Winter Newsletter Jan-May 2022 is available at Library.  Director Richards is done at library. New Acting Director is Brenda Hall. Story Time will begin Wednesday at 11:15 A.M. Photo scavenger Hunt for January will be offered at Holton Library. Issues with front door.  Issues with heat.  – Front door is being checked on and the HEPA filter maybe causing the furnace to overheat and shut off.  So it is being looked at as well.

Fire Department:  51 runs in December.  12% increase in runs for 2021.  The Fire Department offered to help with lighting for the Christmas Program 3 times and the help was declined every time.

Correspondence: Scrap Tire Event. Open discussion: County wants to know if we want our own trailer.  They are doing it different this year. We will be getting our own trailer.  Will have to set some guidelines. Need volunteers. Consensus was to do it. 

01-04-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to close regular board meeting.  2nd  by Trustee Thompson.  CARRIED


Public Hearing for ATV Ordinance and Golf Cart Resolution

January 11, 2022

01-05-22  Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to open Public Hearing for ATV Ordinance and Golf Cart Resolution. 2nd by Trustee Jager.  CARRIED

Public Hearing open discussion: DNR Officers were present

Muskegon County Road Commission wants Maple Island Road to Holton Road/M120 closed – State Truck Line. Marvin Road from Maple Island to Holton/M120 Road closed. Whitmire west to Township line closed.

Board discussion: Maple Island is a Class A Trunk Line and they can’t be on it.  Marvin Road has too many accidents and has heavy traffic as being a truck route. Whitmire to the township line is full of curves and vision is limited.  The MCRC seemed very fair in there closures.

Change the age to 14 – 12 seems too young to be behind the wheel.  People do have a personal responsibility.  Adults need to be in direct supervision of minor operating ATV’s.   14- 16 years of age must be under visual supervision of an adult when driving ATVs.

DNR Officers: Supports our ordinance.  We may possibly get more trails open because of our ordinance once it is passed.  Maybe Holton Township could put on a safety class, as it is required for operators under the age of 16 to have an ORV Safety Certificate.  Classes are few and far apart.   DNR Officers were from District 7 out of Plainwell, Michigan.  Their phone number is 800-292-7800.

Conciseness:  Add the changes the Muskegon County Road Commission recommended.  Change the age from 12 to 14 years of age.  Add to q.  PA 119 of 013 as amended. Check to make sure that is the right number.

01-06-22 Motion made by Trustee Jager to close Public Hearing on ATV Ordinance and Golf Cart Resolution. 2nd by Treasurer Halbower.  CARRIED  8:18 P.M.

01-06-22  Motion Made by Trustee Jager to reopen Holton Township Board Meeting.  2nd by Supervisor Jager. CARRIED 8:20 P.M.

Small discussion with DNR on having the gentleman call them if they start to burn again.  They will respond day or night.

New Business:

01-07-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to adopt the 2022 Poverty Exemption Guidelines . 2nd by Trustee Thompson. CARRIED

Open Discussion:  Building permit cost for Manufactured homes outside of trailer parks.  50% valuations versus mobile homes set fee. Seems that the inspector has to inspect more on a manufactured home when being set on a private lot.  Our fee isn’t high enough to cover the cost of inspections.   Should we charge 50% of the valuation of the unit?  Maybe a flat fee of $375.00?  If only doing 3 inspections why so high?  Trailer parks are one time inspections because the lot is already set for a trailer/modular unit. Vacant lots are not.  More inspections are required for that.


01-08-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager all mobile homes and manufactured/modular homes will have a set building permit fee of $350.00 if not being set in a trailer park.  2nd by Trustee Thompson.  

Supervisor Jager – NO  Trustee Thompson – YES  Treasurer Halbower – YES  Trustee Jager – YES   CARRIED

Fire Department is asking permission to apply for grant monies for recruitment, retaining and training of new fire fighters. The grant is a non-matching grant so no additional funds are needed.

01-09-22 Motion made by Trustee Jager to allow the fire department to apply for the grant.  2nd by Trustee Thompson.  CARRIED


Holton Park would like to purchase bleachers for the fields.  Covid monies can be used. The cost is $1,800.00 a set and they would like to purchase 2 sets.

01-10-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to allow the park to purchase 2 sets of bleachers for a total of $3,600.00 with the Covid monies.  2nd by Trustee Thompson.   CARRIED

Supervisor Jager informed the board that we are going to subscribe to Amazon Business Prime since we order through Amazon and the shipping would mostly be free.

Treasurer Halbower mentioned that there are grants out there for High Speed Internet. We should be looking into it.

Trustee Jager mentioned that the State of Michigan sent a notification certification that Holton has a population of over 2000 residents according to the census. And we can become a Charter Township if we want to.

01-11-22  Motion made by Trustee Thompson to adjourn. 2nd by Treasurer Halbower.  CARRIED

Adjourned:  8:47 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Jager


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