Board Meeting Minutes – July 14, 2020

  • Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm at the Holton Township Hall, 6511 Holton Whitehall. Road, Holton MI.
  • Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present.
  • Roll Call of Board Members: Treasurer Halbower-Present, Supervisor Jager-Present, Trustee Jager-Present, Trustee Schroeder-Absent, Clerk Hippler-Present.
  • Agenda was set with the addition of 12B- Face Masks for Firefighters.
  • Review of the Minutes:
    • 070120 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 9 Regular Board Meeting as presented. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
    • 070220 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 24 Budget Hearing as presented. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
    • 070320 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 28 Budget Workshop with the correction of “second by Trustee Jager” to “second by Trustee Schroeder” in the motion to adjourn. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
  • Payment of the Bills: 070420 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the payment of the June bills as presented. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
  • Business from the floor:
    • Supervisor Jager recognized Commissioner Gary Foster, County Administrator Mark Eisenbarth, and County Equalization Director Donna B. VanderVries and thanked them for attending the meeting.
    • Commissioner Gary Foster- Public Health and Healthwest have partnered together to provide COVID testing to all residents of foster, nursing, and resident homes.
    • Tim Demumbrum-Introduced himself as a candidate for Drain Commissioner. Encouraged people to visit his website
    • Leon Slater, 9899 Brickyard-Believes engineering costs for drains are too high.
    • Donna VanderVries and Annette Messenger- Presented to Board on assessing services offered by the county.  Stated they have a large certified staff offering a high level of expertise, oversight, and quality. Advise the board to reach out to the State and other counties when considering other assessing candidates.
  • Treasurer’s Report: 070520 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Second by Clerk Hippler. CARRIED.
  • Department Reports
    • Zoning and Permits-12 permits were issued, 2 for new houses.
    • Ordinance Enforcement-Report presented in writing.
    • Fire Department- Diana Smith has competed all her training and after a few more driving hours will be promoted from the probationary period. The department has had 30-40 calls a month, the department has responded to 2 COVID calls exposing 6 firefighters. They are using an app to track symptoms, temperatures, etc. but have not needed to quarantine because they use proper PPE.
    • Library- Library has re-opened with new hours of M, T, TH, F- 9 to 5 and Wednesday 11-7. The summer reading program is also underway.
    • Planning Commission- Currently reviewing special uses, the camping ordinance and the flag ordinance.
  • Correspondence-
    • Letter for Racial Harmony and improvement of leadership in Muskegon County received from the Chairman of the Muskegon County National Day of Prayer Committee.
    • There are two properties in the township available for purchase for public use before they head to the land bank.  Township did not have a desire to purchase at this time.
  • Unfinished Business-None.
  • New Business
    • 070620 Treasurer Halbower made a motion to allow the Fire Department to submit and application for approval for a grant to provide hazard pay of $1,000/firefighter. Second by Trustee Jager.  Discussion: Board is concerned with paying hazard pay before the grant is approved.  Payments would be made only if the grant is approved. CARRIED.
    • 070720 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the purchase of 1 box of Do-It Face Mask Adapters for $32. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
  • Future Business-None
  • 070820 Trustee Jager made a motion to adjourn at 7:50pm. Second by Treasurer Halbower. ADJOURNED.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sarah Hippler

Holton Township Clerk

Unofficial Until Approved by Board.

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