Board Meeting Minutes – June 11, 2019

  • Meeting called to order at 7:05pm at the Holton Township Hall.
  • Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
  • Roll Call of Board Members Present: Treasure Halbower, Clerk Hippler, Supervisor Jager, Trustee Jager all present. Trustee Schroeder absent.
  • Agenda set with the addition of “5B”: Approve Budget Hearing Minutes.    
  • Approval of The Minutes
    • 060119 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 14, 2019 Regular Board Meeting. Second from Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
    • 060219 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 30, 2019 Budget Hearing. Second from Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
  • Payment of the Bills
    • 060319 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Second from Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
  • Business from The Floor
    • Julie Vanderboegh, 6640 Marvin Road. Has been hearing many negative comments about Holton but wanted to highlight some of the positives. The Holton Library offered 1300 programs, issued 3,476 library cards and has had over 350,000 visits. There are many volunteers who place flags throughout the community and donate flowers. The Historical Society operates a museum in the Township Hall. Holton School District had 75 graduates who together earned more than $2 million in scholarships. Mrs. Vanderboegh’s written remarks were included in the minutes.
    • Commissioner Gary Foster- Mr. Foster agreed to look into Mr. Jager’s question regarding the scheduling of Road Commission workshops.
    • Louis Slater- Asked the Board to consider allowing Cheyenne Williams (Planning Commission member) attend MTA Zoning Training in Traverse City July 8-9.
      1. 060419 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the payment of $329 plus one-night stay at Shanty Creek for Cheyenne Williams to attend the MTA Zoning Training July 8-9, 2019. Second from Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
  • Treasurer’s Report
    • 060519 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Second from Clerk Hippler. CARRIED.
  • Department Reports
    • Fire Department: Firefighters Yarrington and Frens successfully completed the training required of probationary firefighters.  HFD is pleased to have them join the departments as certified firefights and commends their hard work. The Board thanked the department for the parade escort that was provided to the HHS Varsity Softball team celebrating their 2019 Regional Championship title.
    • Library: Summer Reading Program begins Monday, June 17 at 1 pm.  The library will be hosting numerous programs throughout the summer.
    • Cemetery:  The cemetery is looking very nice.  The HHS National Honor Society did a wonderful job cleaning up the grounds before Memorial Day.
    • Building and Zoning: 13 new permits have been applied for and 5 zoning compliance requests have been approved.
  • Correspondence: None
  • Unfinished Business
  • Public Safety: No new discussion
  • New Business
    • 060619 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the resignation of Ben Peets from the HFD. Second from Treasurer Halbower. The Board thanks Mr. Peets for his service to the community. CARRIED.
    • 060719 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the Fire pay scale changes and position changes presented by Consultant Chiefs McCastle and Grabinski. Second from Clerk Hippler. The rates of pay will simplify the pay scale and the increase of officer positions will help ensure an officer is present at every call. CARRIED.
    • 060819 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve payment to Quest Laboratories for contractual services. Second from Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
    • Date for Final 2019/2020 Budget Hearing set for June 24, 2019 at 7pm at the Holton Township Hall.
  • New Business
    • 060919 Manual Update: Board members will continue to review the manual.
  • Trustee Jager made a motion to adjourn. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED. Adjourned at 7:28pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Hippler


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