Board Meeting Minutes – June 13, 2023
Supervisor Alan Jager called meeting to order at 7p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Supervisor Alan Jager
Roll Call by Clerk Malinda Pego all members present
Motion 01-06-23 to approve meeting minutes of May 9, 2023 by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Trustee Chris Thompsen, motion passes.
Motion 02-06-23 to approve budget meeting minutes of May 2, 2023 by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Trustee Chris Thompsen, motion passes.
Motion 03-06-23 to approve payment of the bills as presented by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Trustee Chris Thompsen, motion passes.
Motion 04-06-23 to approve Treasurers report by Trustee Tammy Jager, support by Clerk Malinda Pego, motion passes.
Department Reports:
$2134.00 total taken in for electrical, building, mechanical and plumbing permits.
Ordinance enforcer regarding Skeels Road complaints, 8434 Duck Lake Road and 10883 Schow Road.
Library Report summer programs. Fire Department total number of incidents 32, 4 mutual aids given, 2 to Fremont and 1 each to Blue Lake and Dalton.
Correspondence received and accepted from Clark Cemetery regarding water well repair.
Unfinished business Pontem software information for cemetery management.
New Business Motion 05-06-23 by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Trustee Chris Thompsen to accept resignation as received and accepted from Building Inspector Thomas Marotta, motion passes.
Motion 06-06-23 by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Treasurer Bill Halbower to hire Duke Schropp as Building Inspector, motion passes.
Motion 07-06-23 by Supervisor Alan Jager support by Trustee Chris Thompsen for a streetscape resolution, yays Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer Bill Halbower, Trustee Chris Thompsen, Trustee Tammy Jager, nays Clerk Malinda Pego. Motion passes.
Meeting Date set for annual Public Budget Hearing and Truth in Taxation Hearing to be held Monday June 26 at 6pm.
Motion 08-06-23 by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Treasurer Bill Halbower for audit proposal, motion passes.
Motion 09-06-23 by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Treasurer Bill Halbower to accept 2023 Budget Amendments as presented (see attached documentation),
roll call vote yays Supervisor Jager, Treasurer Bill Halbower, Trustee Chris Thompsen, Trustee Tammy Jager, nays Clerk Malinda Pego. Motion passes.
Future business DPW Truck quotes still in process, PLM Lake Management proposal
discussion about Little Silver Lake ensued by many public attendees: Mark Draper 7777 W. Lake Rd, Wendy Conlon 7770 W Lake Rd. Sally Smith, Dan Smith of 7975 E Lake Rd., Bruce Andree, Dawn Andree 7840 W Lake Rd., Tammy Loyd 7807 E Lake Rd, Steve Lankford 7899 W Lake Rd, Marla VanderLaan 7933 E Lake Rd., Ronnie Huizenga 7831 W Lake Rd., Amy Gongalski 7981 E Lake Rd.
Motion 10-06-23 by Clerk Malinda Pego support by Trustee Chris Thompsen to utilize the aforementioned and approved $2000.00 to move forward on proceedings of creating a special assessment district, or other resolve to rectify the lake situation. Roll Call vote yays Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer Bill Halbower, Clerk Malinda Pego, Trustee Chris Thompsen, Nays Trustee Tammy Jager, and Motion passes.
Motion 11-06-23 by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Clerk Malinda Pego for resolution regarding Trustee pay, roll call vote yays Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer Bill Halbower, Clerk Malinda Pego, Trustee Chris Thompsen, Trustee Tammy Jager, and Motion passes.
Motion 12-06-23 to adjourn by
Respectfully submitted by,
Malinda Pego, Clerk