- Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Supervisor Jager.
- Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
- Roll Call of Board Members: Trustee Jager, Trustee Schroeder, Supervisor Jager, Treasurer Halbower, Clerk Hippler all present.
- Agenda set with the addition of 12I, Use of Fire Barn to work on Personal Vehicles.
- 030119 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the February 12, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes. Supported by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- 030219 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the payments of the bills as presented. Supported by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
- Business from the Floor
- Commissioner Gary Foster- DTE Furnace Program has exhausted its funds. It will resume in June. The Veterans Millage Renewal will be on the August Ballot.
- Brock Horton- Mr. Horton is working on his Eagle Scout project and would like to place several “Book Houses” throughout Holton. The Board congratulated him on his project and welcomed the placement of Book Houses at the Township Park and Hall. The Board wished Mr. Horton the best of luck on his project.
- Amy Brookhouse- 10549 Holton Duck Lake. Would like to see budget and financial reports on Township Website. Board stated the information will be available as soon as the website is ready to support the information.
- Shawn Grabinski- Muskegon Central Dispatch. Invited the community to ask questions regarding the upcoming 911 Surcharge proposal. Ms. Grabinski encouraged individuals to visit Muskegon Central Dispatch’s website or Facebook page for more information and to ask questions.
- Bob Shirk- 6147 Brunswick. Concerned that the mental health and negative aspects of marijuana facilities in the township will outweigh the financial benefits.
- Aaron Schmidt- 8836 Holton Road. Concerned with environmental degradation due to the Fremont Digestor. Has noticed sludge on his property and a foul smell in Cedar Creek. Would like to see township, and all parties involved work together to prevent pollution of the Cedar Creek Watershed.
- 030319 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Supported by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- Department Reports
- Zoning/Inspectors- Written Reports presented to Board.
- Library- Many new programs are available at the library. Canopy Program provides access to films. Reference USA provides information on businesses, employers, and consumers. A new Ancestry program is also available. April 9th is Patron Appreciation Day, April 13th is an Easter Egg Hunt, and April 16th there is an Advanced Care and Planning Class.
- Fire- Responding to calls related to the ice storms kept the department busy. There were 250 paid man hours and 44 volunteer hours for a total of 294 hours. The department is 35% under budget.
- Correspondence-None
- Unfinished Business- None
- New Business
- Fire Department Recommendations- Bob Grabinski reported on the activities of the Fire Chief Interview Committee. The position was offered to Mr. Nathaniel German but was declined. Mr. Grabinski proposed himself and Mr. David McCastle as Fire Chief Consultants to assist the department with personnel and budget development.
- 030419 Trustee Jager made the motion to appoint Bob Grabinski and David McCastle as Interim Fire Chief Consultants, for a period not to exceed 6 months, starting March 13, 2019. Supported by Treasurer Halbower. Trustee Jager accepted an amendment to the motion to include removing Interim Chief Cowley with thanks. CARRIED.
- 030519 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to approve Free Dump Day to be held May 11, 2019. Supported by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- 030619 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to appoint Tom Marotta as Building Inspector and Building Official. Supported by Trustee Jager. CARRIED.
- 030719 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to approve the appointment of Tammy Jager as Deputy Clerk. Supported by Trustee Schroeder. Trustee Jager Abstained. CARRIED.
- 030819 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve RESOLUTION 03012019 To Allow Alternate Starting Dates for March Board of Review. Supported by Trustee Schroeder. Roll Call of Board Members: Clerk Hippler: Yes, Trustee Schroder: Yes, Supervisor Jager: Yes, Treasurer Halbower: Yes, Trustee Jager: Yes. CARRIED
- 030919 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve RESOLUTION 03022019 To Allow Residents to Appeal by Letter. Supported by Treasurer Halbower. Roll Call of Board Members: Treasurer Halbower: Yes, Trustee Jager: Yes, Clerk Hippler: Yes, Trustee Jager: Yes, Supervisor Jager: Yes. CARRIED.
- 031019 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the purchase 5 MTA Reference Books for a total of $191.50. Supported by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
- 031119 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve road brining through MCRC for $20,608.88. Supported by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
- 031219 Trustee Jager made the motion to not allow private vehicles to be worked on in the Fire Barn. Supported by Treasurer Halbower. Supervisor Jager requested a Roll Call vote. Trustee Jager: Yes, Trustee Schroeder: Yes, Treasurer Halbower: Yes, Clerk Hippler: Yes, Supervisor Jager: No. CARRIED.
- Future Business
- Road Repairs- Supervisor Jager has been evaluating road repairs for First Street and Byron Street. Several trees will need to be removed. The cost is still being estimated. Supervisor Jager welcomes community input as to what roads should be repaired next.
- Township Employee Manual- No Action
- 031319 Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50. Supported by Trustee Schroeder. ADJOURNED.