Board Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2022

Called to Order:  7:02 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Given by all.

Roll Call:  Trustee Thompsen – present; Supervisor Jager – present; Treasurer Halbower – present;  Clerk Colburn – absent; Trustee Jager – present.

Agenda:  Set

03-01-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept the minutes as presented. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen.              CARRIED.

 03-02-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to table the bills until next month. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen.            CARRIED.

Business form the Floor:  None at this time.

 03-03-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept Treasurer Report as presented. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen.   CARRIED.

Permits: 25 were issued.

Ordinance Report:  Have judgment on one case.  Discussion on Schow Road – we have done what we can do. DNR has authority and the phone numbers were given out so people could call when they are burning.  Not much more we can do.

Library Report: MADL is almost done with plans for renovation.  Township is working on getting new doors. Summer Reading program starts June 13th and will be called as Oceans of Possibilities.

Fire Department: 20 Runs for February, down from last February. Of the 20, three were mutual aid runs.

Correspondence: Information was presented for a community police officer.  Spraying info was giving out to Dennis who ask about the program.  Treasurer Halbower will be give some phone number to Angela for him to call. He would like to get his property sprayed. 

Unfinished Business: None.

Chief Garbinski and Deputy Chief Hawk thanked Trustee Jager for attending.

03-04-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to promote to Lieutenant with the following badge/call numbers: Larry Douglas -1993; Nick Mock – 1994: Allen Burch – 1995.  With a stipend of $133.33 a month. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen.

Discussion:  Trustee Jager thanked the department for being on the interview board and mentioned how qualified the candidates were. 

Roll Call:  Trustee Thompsen – Yes   Supervisor Jager – Yes  Treasurer Halbower – Yes  Trustee Jager – Yes   CARRIED.

Badges and helmets were presented to the new Lieutenants. 

03-05-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept the new federal updated Poverty Exemption Application. 2nd Trustee Thompsen.    CARRIED.

03-06-22  Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to accept D & B Brine bid for brining roads for $15,000.00.   2nd by Trustee Jager             CARRIED.

Discussion: We are going to try and get them before Memorial Day.  We don’t use the county because they only do it once. While it may last a little longer, it costs much more, and with D&B we can get two brinings to help offset the dust.

Open Discussion:

Audience:  John, Diane and Don.

West Lake Road needs help.  Seems there are a lot of Bed and Breakfast places on the lake now that it is heavily traveled.  They know the road can’t be brought up to code.  Just asking for some crushed asphalt or concrete – slag. Question ask as to why the township doesn’t control the township roads.

Act 51 give total control to the Muskegon Road Commission to do what they want with the roads.

Brunswick is or needs an assessment to fix it.  If we choose to work on Brunswick Road the gravel would be placed from the Blue Lake Township line east on Brunswick as far as possibilities. Schow Road north of Brunswick could use some gravel. 

State Senator Bumstead is working on getting some more funding for our township to help offset the cost of roads.

Will be on next month’s agenda.

Trustee Thompsen informed the Holton Township Board that he will be attending the Fremont Biogester meetings. He informed us that a few years ago the Holton Community Center was able to receive $5,000.00 for them.  He is going to try to get some grants directed back to the Holton Community.

03-7-22  Motion made by Supervisor Jager to adjourn the meeting.  2nd by Trustee Thompsen   CARRIED

Adjourn at 8:08 pm

Respectfully Submitted by

Tammy Jager


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