Board Meeting Minutes – May 14, 2019
- Supervisor Jager called the regular meeting of the Board to order at 7:00 pm at the Holton Township Hall.
- Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present.
- Roll Call of Board Members: Supervisor Jager, Trustee Schroeder, Trustee Jager, Treasurer Halbower, Clerk Hippler all present.
- Agenda set with the addition of 5B: Approve April 9, 2019 closed session minutes.
- 050119 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2019 regular meeting. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- 050219 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the minutes from the April 9, 2019 Closed Session. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- 050319 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
- Business from the Floor
- Gary Foster, Muskegon County Commissioner. County has been very busy. May 15th Day of Review with the County Drain Commissioner is an opportunity for residents who received a letter to ask questions regarding the drain changes.
- Angel Coon, 6498 3rd Street. Disappointed with the results of the May 7, 2019 election. Would have liked to have a local business that provided regulated, safe, and trusted services for medical marijuana users. Questions future as a small business owner in Holton. Requested prepared comments be entered into minutes. Comments are included as Addendum 1. This may be viewed at the Township Hall.
- Andrew Jensen, 386 Eugene, Norton Shores. Regrets the outcome of the May 7, 2019 Election. Looked forward to being part of the Holton Community. Hopes the Board will move forward in the direction of adjusting the MMF Ordinance.
- Dana McLean, 6235 3rd Street. Disappointed with the May 7, 2019 election results. Believes Holton has become a ghost town and needs new business. Asked the Board to remove the zoning requirement for Medical Marijuana Facilities.
- Leon Slater. Upset with the Muskegon County Commissioner’s misuse of maintenance funds.
- 050419 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- Department Reports
- Building and Zoning reports were submitted to the Board in writing.
- Fire Department: 143 calls for 2019. Insurance approved the repairs for the damaged tanker truck. It should be back in service in 3 months. The new truck should be delivered at the end of May. A bill for services was submitted by Quest Diagnostics. Services were never approved by the Board nor were they received. There may have been a signed contract but Quest Diagnostics has not produced it even upon the request of the Fire Chief Consultants. Board does not support paying the bill without proof of contract or Board authorization.
- Library: Easter egg hunt was very successful and fun for the community. Summer reading program will begin June 7, the theme is “A Universe of Stories”. The library would like to purchase a screen and overhead projector. Prices are being researched.
- Cemetery: The DPW has been working hard to clear up winter debris from the grounds. It may be necessary to retain a part time worker throughout the summer to keep up on maintenance.
- Planning Commission: A meeting will be held Tuesday May 21 at 7:05pm to review a daycare facility special use permit and the sign ordinance.
- Correspondence
- Township received a bid for road brining after a contract had been signed with Muskegon County. The bid was from D&B Brine for $6600 per application with the anticipation of 2 applications expected. The bid will be considered for 2020.
- Treasurer Halbower stated he will issue refunds of the application fees collected from Medical Marijuana facilities in 2018 barring any objections from the Board. No objections given from the Board.
- Unfinished Business: None.
- New Business
- 050519 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to approve the purchase of 300 Fire Department Challenge Coins for $900, paid from the Fire Department 207 account. Second by Trustee Jager. CARRIED.
- 050619 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the hiring of Katie Elizabeth Eklund, Jeffery Balke, Jr, and Diana L. Smith as probationary paid on call fire fighters pending completion of a physical examination and background checks. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
- Budget hearing set for May 30 at 6pm at the Holton Township Hall.
- 050719 Clerk Hippler made the motion to increase building permit fees from $25 to $50 for jobs up to $3,000. Second by Trustee Schroeder. Supervisor Jager stated the increase was needed to cover the cost of the Building Inspector’s services and time. CARRIED.
- 050719 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the “Metro Act Right of Way Permit Extension” with AT&T Michigan. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- 050819 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to approve the purchase of 2 loads of black dirt for Swenson Park. Second by trustee Jager. Supervisor Jager stated that the bushes and small rocks from the park will be removed to improve ease of maintenance of the park. The cost for the dirt will be not more than $1,000. CARRIED.
- 050919 Supervisor Jager made the motion to stop issuing any new home construction permits where no structure exists or any special use permits for businesses other than where businesses currently exist on local roads, excluding primary roads. Second by Trustee Jager.
- Supervisor Jager stated that the roads are too dangerous for buses to safely travel down and they are putting students at risk. Supervisor Jager stated that people are purchasing property when the roads are in good condition, unware of how bad they can become in the winter. Supervisor Jager stated he believes the roads are as serious public safety issue and nothing new should be built until funding for the roads is secured.
- 051019 Trustee Schroeder made the motion to table Supervisor Jager’s motion to allow for more discussion. Second by Clerk Hippler. CARRIED. Motion 050919 TABLED.
- RESOLUTION 05012019 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the resolution requesting that the Muskegon County Drain Commissioner not change the borders of the Dobe and Martin Drains. Second by Trustee Schroeder.
- Concern was raised about the Drain Commissioner’s use of authority and the cost to residents of the drain districts. Treasurer Halbower stated the drain districts were drawn by engineers who have studied the drains and water sheds. The new district lines also appeared to take more people out of the drain districts than they added.
- Roll Call of Board Members: Treasurer Halbower-No, Clerk Hippler-No, Supervisor Jager-Yes, Trustee Schroeder-Yes, Trustee Jager-Yes. CARRIED.
- Future Business: Employee Manual.
- 051119 Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED. Adjourned at 8:16 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Hippler
Holton Township, Clerk