Board Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2018

1. Call to Order: Supervisor Jager called the regular meeting of the Holton Township Board to order at 7:03pm. Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present.
2. Set Agenda: Agenda approved with the change of moving New Business item C to Future Business.
3. Review of Previous Minutes: 110118 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the October General Meeting minutes as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
4. Payment of Bills: 110218 Trustee Jager made the motion to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
5. Business from the Floor
A. Commissioner Gary Foster presented news from the county.
i) Pound Buddy contract decision postponed to December 6, 2018.
ii) DTE Energy has a grant program available to low income household. Households that qualify can receive a new furnace and perhaps a new water heater. Contact Mike Bough at the Muskegon County Veterans Center for more information.
6. Treasurer’s Report: 110318 Trustee Jager made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Clerk Hippler seconded. Trustee Jager inquired as to the purpose of the remaining balance in the PNC accounts. Clerk Hippler stated the money was left to cover any outstanding checks from the account. Motion CARRIED.
7. Department Reports
A. Building and Zoning: 18 permits issued for October 2018.
B. Library:
i. Holton will be featured in the December MADL Newsletter. The Library had 18,124 visits in 2017.
ii. Mrs. Vanderboegh would like to replace broken vertical blinds in the conference room. There is money in the Library budget and the cost would be minimal, the Board believed the item did not require Board approval and the purchase should be made.
iii. Friends of the Library will be hosting a Holiday Community Celebration December 5th at 6:30 pm. There will be music from the community choir, refreshments and crafts at the library, a tree lighting at Swenson Park, and a visit from Santa.
C) Fire Department: 136 paid Man Hours, 148.5 volunteer Man Hours, 284.5 total man hours. Total expenses for 206 account $6395.43. Trustee Jager remarked the training sessions she has attended have been fascinating and is very impressed with the knowledge required by the fire fighters.
8. Correspondence: Clerk Hippler discussed the Holton ELF Program. The ELF Program provides Christmas gifts to children at Holton Schools whose family may be facing a difficult holiday season. Elf tags can picked up through out the community. For more information contact Sharon Almond at Holton Elementary School.
9. New Business:
A. Hire of new DPW Director: 6 interviews were conducted by Supervisor Jager, Clerk Hippler, and Cemetery Sexton Vanderboegh. Kevin Elliot was selected and will begin November 19, 2018.
i) 110418 Trustee Jager made the motion to hire Keven Elliot as the Director of Holton DPW. Clerk Hippler Seconded. CARRIED.
B. Park Caretaker Position: Grant Younts will be leaving the Park Caretaker position and moving out of the park residence. Supervisor Jager recommended the position be given to Harley Maginity. Mr. Maginity has been an exemplary employee at the Holton Transfer Station.
i) 110518 Trustee Jager made the motion to appoint Harley Maginity to the position of Park Caretaker. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.
10. Future Business: Discussion regarding the blighted building at the corner of Holton Whitehall Road and Main Street. Pursuing Township options regarding the clean up of the property will be expensive but have become necessary. Trustee Jager will meet with County Commissioner Foster and State Senator Bumstead to explore possible options or grants available to the township.
11. Motion to Adjourn: 110618 Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35pm. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Hippler

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