Board Meeting Minutes – September 10, 2024

7 pm Call to Order by Supervisor Alan JagerPledge of Allegiance by all
Roll Call by Clerk Malinda Pego, all present- Clerk Malinda Pego, Trustee Tammy
Jager, Trustee Chris Thompsen, Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer Bill Halbower
Motion 1-9-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager to accept August 13, 2024 Minutes as
presented, supported by Trustee Chris Thompsen, motion passes.
Motion 2-9-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager to pay bills as presented, supported by Trustee
Chris Thompsen, motion passes.
Motion 3-9-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager to accept Treasurer’s report as presented,
supported by Clerk Malinda Pego, motion passes.
Department Reports 10 Permits = $2330.00, Library by Julie Vanderboegh Fall
programs starting, Fire Department by Chief Ted Hawk- 40 incidents with 8 mutual aide,
2 received, 6 given, 71 total hours,
Correspondence Meinert Road Grinding
Motion 4-9-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager to pass the Holton Township Utility-Scale Solar
Energy Collector Systems Ordinance # 32, supported by Trustee Chris Thompsen, Roll
Call: Yes- Treasurer Bill Halbower, Trustee Tammy Jager, Trustee Chris Thompsen,
Clerk Malinda Pego, Supervisor Alan Jager, motion passes.
Motion 5-9-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager to authorize township property tax rates
supported by Trustee Chris Thompsen, Truth in Taxation, The number of mills to be
levied is 3.7126, the breakdown of the mills 1.0761 for Township Operating and .7361
and 1.9004 for Fire Department Operating as reduced as required by Headlee
Resolution Millage. (MRF). Roll Call: Yes-Trustee Chris Thompsen, Trustee Tammy
Jager, Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer Bill Halbower, No- Clerk Malinda Pego. Motion
Motion 6-9-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager supported by Trustee Chris Thompsen, to
remove MADL Region 6 District Board Library Representative Andrea Root. Motion
Motion 7-9-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager supported by Trustee Chris Thompsen, to
appoint Kim Arter as MADL Region 6 District Board Library Representative. Motion
Motion 8-9-24 by Clerk Malinda Pego supported by Trustee Tammy Jager that the
Board meet in closed session under Section 8(h) of the Open Meetings Act to consider
material exempt from discussion or disclosure by state or federal statute, in particular
Section 13 (1) (g) of the Freedom of Information Act, which exempts from public
disclosure information or records subject to attorney-client privilege, in particular an
opinion letter from counsel regarding the matter of Smith v. Holton Township, at 8pm.
Motion passes.
Motion 9-9-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager supported by Trustee Chris Thonpsen to leave
closed session and return to open meeting at 8:11 pm, motion passes.
Motion 10-9-24 by Clerk Malinda Pego supported by Trustee Tammy Jager to approve
the settlement agreement in the matter of Smith v. Holton Township and authorize
Supervisor Alan Jager to sign the settlement agreement. Roll Call: Yes- Clerk Malinda
Pego, Trustee Tammy Jager, Supervisor Alan Jager, Trustee Chris Thompsen,
Supervisor Alan Jager, motion passes.
Motion 11-9-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager, supported by Trustee Chris Thompsen to
adjourn at 8:12 pm, motion passes.
Respectfully submitted by Clerk Malinda Pego

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