Board Meeting Minutes – September 13, 2022

Called to Order:  7:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance:  Given by all.

Roll Call:  Clerk Colwell – absent; Treasurer Halbower – here;  Trustee Thompsen – here; Supervisor Jager – here;  Trustee Jager – here.

Agenda:  Set

09-01-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept the minutes with the following change to insert into d.: ‘to 860 square feet per Planning Commission recommendation.’  2nd by Treasurer Halbower.


 09-02-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to pay the bills as presented. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen.       CARRIED.

Business form the Floor:  None at this time.

 09-03-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to accept Treasurer Report as presented. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen.   CARRIED.

Department Reports:

Permits: 9 were issued.

Ordinance Report:  Several reports were taken.  She is working on them.

Library Report: Lead Librarian took another job.  Summer reading program, over 100 participated. CIRCE, by Madeline Miller, is a read recommended for adults as part of NEA Big Read Lakeshore. Tech Talks 2nd Tuesday of month.  Stretch & More classes held Tuesdays at 2 pm.  Pirate Party at Holton Library Con. Room – September 20, 2022 at 6 pm.  Story time begins Wed. December 10th at 11:15 am.   Christmas in Holton is Dec. 7, 2022 at 6 pm.

Fire Department: Chief Hawk reported: Runs this year are 244.  They did 3 mutual aids. The FD received a $300.00 grant from Fire Charitably Foundation.  Ford issued a VIN number for our new truck.  Good sign they can start building it.  Our old chassis is waiting on the bed.  May be ready by end of November.  Some of the firefighters will be going to the Michigan Firefighter’s Memorial in Roscommon, MI for the induction of Chief Marc and Chief Bryan Hawk. 

Correspondence:   More information on the PIN (School Resource Officer). The school is going to send a letter out to the public with information on the PIN.  Holton Township is not participating in the program.  Discussion indicated we do not have the funds.  What funds we do have should be used toward roads.  The school should be able to hire a private security firm for security for less monies.   MADL is in need of a person from Region 6 for the library board.  Librarian Julie will see if any of her patrons are interested and get back to the board.

09-04-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to adopt a proclamation about Constitution Week. 2nd by Trustee Thompsen.    CARRIED.

Discussion:  Proclamation was read prior to vote.

09-05-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to enter a new contract with Office Machines for $150.00 per month for township hall and fire department.  2nd by Treasurer Halbower.    CARRIED.

09-06-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to authorize the 2022 Tax Rate Request.

2nd by Treasurer Halbower.

ROLL CALL: Trustee Thompsen – Yes         Supervisor Jager – Yes          Treasurer Halbower – Yes

Trustee Jager – Yes      Clerk Colwell – Absent      CARRIED.

Discussion:  On September 21, 2022 there will be a meeting at the Muskegon County Road Commission on the Down Town Project.  Meeting is 10 am.

09-7-22  Motion made by Trustee Jager to adjourn the meeting.  2nd by Trustee Thompsen   CARRIED

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by

Tammy Jager


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