Budget Hearing Meeting Minutes, June 16, 2022

  • Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm at the Holton Township Hall, 6511 Holton Whitehall Road.
  • Roll Call: Trustee Jager, present; Clerk Coburn, present; Supervisor Jager, present; Treasurer Halbower, present; Trustee Thompsen, present;
  • Pledge given by all present.
  • 060722 Read by Trustee Jager Truth in Taxation: The number of mills to be levied is 3.7708 to support the proposed budget and will be the subject of this hearing. (Breakdown of mills: 1.0930 for Township and 2.6778 for Fire Department), for 2023. Or as reduced as required by Headlee millage reduction. (MRF).

Roll Call: Trustee Thompsen, yes; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Trustee Jager, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes; CARRIED

  • RESOLUTION 06012022 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the Resolution to Impose a Property Tax Administration Fee of 1%. Second by Treasure Halbower. Roll Call Vote:  Treasurer Halbower, Yes; Trustee Jager, no; Supervisor Jager, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes; Trustee Thompson, no; APPROVED.
  • 060822 Trustee Jager made a motion to appoint the Supervisor as the Township representative in real estate matters with action on all decisions requiring Board approval.  Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
  • Salary Resolutions
    • RESOLUTION 06072022 Trustee Thompsen made a motion to approve the resolution to issue a 3% raise for the Treasurer. Second by Trustee Jager. Roll call vote: Trustee Thomopsen, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; Trustee Jager, yes; Carried RESOLUTION 06082022 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the resolution to issue a 3.26% raise to the Clerk. Second by Trustee Thompsen. Roll call vote: Trustee Thompson, yes; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; Trustee Jager, yes; APPROVED
  • 060922 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the General Fund 2022/2023 Fiscal Year Budget as presented. With expenditures of $209,300.00 for Holton Township. 206 account $209,300, 207 account $0.00 and 216 account $0.00 for the Fire Department. Second by Trustee Thompson.  Roll call vote: Treasurer Halbower, yes; Trustee Thompsen, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; Trustee Jager, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes; CARRIED.
  • 061022 Treasurer Halbower made a motion to approve adjustments to the 2021/2022 budget as proposed (see attachment 1). Second by Trustee Jager. Roll call vote: Trustee Jager, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; Trustee Thompson, yes; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes;  CARRIED.
  •  061122 Trustee Jager made a motion to Approve of the meeting dates for 2023, with change of November 8, 2022 to November 9, 2022. Second by Treasurer Halbower. Roll Call Vote: Treasurer Halbower, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes; Trustee Jager, yes; Trustee Thompsen, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; CARRIED
  •  Clerk Coburn made a motion to adjourn the Budget Hearing at 7:18 PM. Second by Trustee Jager. ADJOURNED.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jill Coburn

Holton Township Clerk.

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