Holton Township FY20/21 Budget Workshop Minutes – May 28, 202
Workshop was held at the Holton Township Hall, 6511 Holton Whitehall Road, at 6:00 pm. Called to Order at 6:13 pm. In attendance: Clerk Hippler, Trustee Jager, Supervisor Jager, Treasurer Halbower, Trustee Schroeder.
Proposed 2020/2021 budget was reviewed and discussed. Revenue numbers are likely to change as the state adjusts budgets shortfalls due to COVID-19.
Raises will not be given for Trustees, Supervisor, cemetery part time workers, planning commission members, or the board of appeals.
The Treasurer, Clerk, Deputy Treasurer, Zoning Administrator, Transfer Station Attendant and Ordinance Enforcer will all receive a 2% raise. Township Secretary will receive $0.50/hr raise and DPW supervisor will receive $1.00/hr raise; Township would like to offer more but with doubts about revenues cannot at this time.
General Government spending remains the same. Clerk’s budget will receive extra $1,000 to purchase new laptop for incoming clerks to work from home. Library Budget remains the same. Road Construction fund will need an additional $59,557 to cover approved projects but can be amended after revenue adjustments are made at the end of the fiscal year.
Budget amendments will be addressed at the next meeting.
Final Budget Meeting will be held Wednesday June 24, 2020 at 6pm at the Holton Township Hall, 6511 Holton Whitehall Road.
Trustee Jager made a motion to adjourn the workshop at 7:35pm; second by Trustee Jager. Adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Hippler
Holton Township Clerk