Planning Commission Agenda – September 17, 2019

  • Call to Order 
  • Pledge of Allegiance 
  • Roll Call 
  • Review and Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes – July 16, 2019 
  • Approve the meeting’s agenda 
  • Public comments – non-agenda items – time limit of 3 minutes, please state your name and address. 
  • Planning Commission comments – non agenda items. 
  • Unfinished Business –  
  • Continue work on Sign Ordinance. 
  • Continue work on Master Plan Update. 
  • New Business –   
  • Begin work on zoning changes.                                                                                                              
  • Closing comments – None 
  • Correspondence/continuing education – None 
  • Next Regular  Meeting November 19, 2019 
  1. Adjournment  

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  • No upcoming events
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