Planning Commission Meeting Minutes for January 19, 2013

Meeting called to order by chair, Tom West


Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Roll Call:               Val Jensen                                          Guest:  Stephen Carlson, WMSRDC

                                Ken Schaub

                                Timothy Ylitalo

                                Mike Cygeirt

                                Tom West

                                Bill Halbower

                                Julie Vanderboegh


Amendments to Agenda – None

Motion by Ken Schaub, supported by Tim Ylitalo to approve minutes of November 7, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried.

Public Comments  –  None

Chair, Tom West, declared Public Hearing open at 7:15 p.m.  Reason for Public Hearing was to receive public input on the Holton Township Master Plan.  Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Muskegon Chronicle, December 30, 2012 and on March 6, 2012 notice of intent of Master Plan.  Notice was sent to surrounding township and utilities by WMRSDC.

Correspondence directed to Public Hearing – Letter from Holton Township Board , dated September 19, 2012, requesting to remove under Planning & Growth Management,  #6, and under Economic Growth, #4.

Chair, Tom West opened Public Hearing for public comment  –  None

Chair, Tom West declared Public Hearing closed at 7:45 p.m. and to resume regular Planning Commission meeting with deliberation by Planning Commission members on changes to Master Plan before final approval.

Resolution No. PC 2013-1 offered by  Planning Commissioner Val Jensen, supported by Planning Commissioner, Mike Cygeirt to approve Resolution to adopt Master Plan and to send to Holton Township Board for final approval.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye – Tom West, Mike Cygeirt, Julie Vanderboegh, Bill Halbower, Ken Schaub, Timothy Ylitalo, Val Jensen.

Nay  –  None

Unfinished Business:

Open/Close Public Comment – None

Bill Halbower reported on Special Use Permits in townships similar to Holton Township as to their procedure.  Each township defines own special uses.  Stephen Carlson encouraged Planning Commission to keep in contact and be involved in the Muskegon Area Wide Plan.

Civil Infraction wording report by Ken Schaub on fines being consistent in our ordinances.  Ken to update penalty wording and bring back to next meeting.

Bill Halbower to check on Civil Infraction schedule.

Committee to begin update and reviewing  Holton Township Zoning Ordinances.  To be completed by end of 2013.

New Business:

Open/Close Public Comments – None

Election of Officers for 2013

Motion by Bill Halbower, supported by Ken Schaub to elect Tom West as chair.  Motion carried.

Motion by Ken Schaub,  supported by Tim Ylitalo to elect Mike Cygeirt at vice chair.  Motion carried.

Motion by Tom West, supported by Bill Halbower to elect Julie Vanderboegh as secretary.  Motion carried.

Officers for Holton Township Planning Commission 2013 are:

                Chair                      Tom West

                Vice Chair            Mike Cygeirt

                Secretary             Julie Vanderboegh

Scheduled Planning Commission training dates confirmed for February 19, April 16, June 18, 2013.  All training session to begin at 7:10 p.m.

Reminder of next meeting – Tuesday, February 19, 2013 @ 7:10 p.m.

Motion by Mike Cygeirt, supported by Tim Ylitalo to adjourn at 9:15 p.m.  Motion carried.

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