Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – July 16, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm

Roll call: Cheyenne Williams, Tom Monette, Mike Fanjoy and Bill Halbower Present. Angel Coon, Louis Slater, and Asa Easting absent.

07-01-24 Motion made by Cheyenne Williams to approve meetings Seconded by Mike Fanjoy Motion Carried

07-02-24 Motion made by Cheyenne Williams to approve agenda seconded by Mike Fanjoy Motion Carried

Public comments: none

Non agenda items: none

07-03-24 Tom Monette made the motion that the planning commission recommend the board approve the proposed utility scale solar collection and storage ordinance, and amend the agricultural special use to include utility scale solar collection and storage. Seconded by Mike Fanjoy. Motion carried.

Subcommittee maps coming next meeting, September 17 07-04-24 Bill Halbower made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm. Seconded by Tom Monette.

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