Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – July 19, 2022

Meeting Called to order at 7:03 by Cheyenne Williams

Members present Cheyenne Williams, Louis Slater, Asa Eastling, Mike Fanjoy, Bill Halbower

Absent Tom Monette, Angel Coon

Public comments – None

BH Clarification in ordinances of one dwelling per lot unless otherwise stated

CW Discussion of secretary

Motion 07-0122 made by Bill Halbower to reaffirm the unanimous decision from public hearing held on May 16, 2022 lowering the minimum living space of dwellings to 860 square feet. Motion supported by Mike Fanjoy requesting a roll call vote.

Asa Eastling – Yes

Louis Slater – yes

Cheyenne Williams – yes

Mike Fanjoy – yes

Bill Halbower – yes

Motion carried.

No update from subcommittee.

BH wants to make sure that all members have a copy of the current master plan, and any land division requests follow our master plan, state regulations, and septic limitations.

Continuing education.  Asa Eastling learned a lot from the remote seminar and has re-watched it several times

Next meeting September 20, 2022

BH Motion 07-0222 to adjourn. Supported by AE. Motion Carried

Minutes taken by Cheyenne Williams, Chairman

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