Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2024

Roll Call – Vice Chair  Tom Monette  — Members Louis Slater, Asa Eastling, Bill Halbower, Mike Fanjoy

Call to order at 7:11 PM

Review and approval of March 19, 2024 Minutes – Motion to approve Bill Halbower Seconded Louis Slater.  All voting aye.

Approve meeting agenda —   Motion to approve Louis Slater Seconded Asa Eastling.  All voting aye.

Public Comment – None

Unfinished Business

Solar Farms –Motion by Bill Halbower to table until Cheyenne Williams is present as he has new information to share.   Seconded by Louis Slater.  All voting aye.

Sub committee  update

  1. Tom Monette has a long list of potential properties that could be re-zoned from current zoning to an R2 zoning.  This list will be given to Angela so that a data base can be developed and shared with the committee.
  2. It was discussed and agreed upon that the current road development regulations   should be reviewed and possibly updated.  To be fleshed out in subsequent meetings.
  3. Tom Monette will request a new map be produced for the potential re-zoned areas.

New Business

2024 – 2025 Meeting dates   Motion to accept dates listed below by Asa Eastling and seconded by Louis Slater.  All voting aye.   

                July 16, 2024

                September 17, 2024

                November 19, 2024

                January 15, 2025

                March 18, 2025

                May 20, 2025

If anyone is interesting in the continuing education opportunities please contact Angela.

Motion to adjourn by Louis Slater at 7:40 pm, seconded by Asa Eastling.  All voted aye.

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  • No upcoming events
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