Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – September 21, 2021

Meeting called to order by chair, Cheyenne Williams at 7:08 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance recited.

Roll Call               –   Angel Coon                            Absent  –   Gene LaFlame                                                         

                                Louis Slater

                                Cheyenne Williams

                                Tom Monette

                                Bill Halbower

                                Julie Vanderboegh

Guests –               Alan Jager

                                Asa Eastling

Motion by Bill Halbower, supported by Louis Slater to approve minutes of July 20, 2021 as presented.  Motion carried.

Approve Meeting Agenda

                Resignation of Gene LaFlame due to his move to Montague

                Will be receiving letter from Gene

Public Comments – Alan Jager commented on ATV’s, golf carts ordinance and policing.  Will be attending a meeting with Muskegon County Road Commission on September 22, 2021.

New Business – Discussion on square footage of new homes in Holton Township and possible land divisions.

Motion by Angel Coon, supported by Louis Slater to amend Square footage of Holton Township new homes to 860/960 sq. ft. (3 bedroom, 1 bath) of living space.  Motion carried.

Forming a sub-committee to work on Holton Township issues was suggested.  Sub-Committee will consist of Tom Monette, Angel Coon and Bill Halbower.  Public will also be invited to take part on this committee.

Closing Comments – None

Correspondence/Continuing Education – None

Next meeting to be held on November 16, 2021

Motion by Cheyenne Williams, supported by Angel Coon to adjourn at 7:55 p.m.  Motion carried.

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