Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes – April 25, 2023
Called to Order: 7:05 PM
Roll call by Chair Williams: ALL PRESENT – Bill Halbower, Louis Slater, Secretary Angel Coon, Asa Eastling, Michael Fanjoy, Vice Chair Tom Monette
04-25-1 Motion by Chair Williams to approve the special meeting agenda.
Support by Secretary Coon. CARRIED.
Public Comment
Taylor Jackson, 7090 Holton Rd. Received notice about the proposal to build the tower. Looking for more information regarding said proposal.
Patricia Jackson, 7090 Holton Rd. Wanted to clarify the location of the tower. Inquired whether the towers make noise. Attorney says the tower will make no noise.
New Business
Ben Varney presents. Verizon attorney Robert Labelle is also is present to explain the necessity of the proposed site as a needed location not only for convenience but also safety. Attorney Labelle mentions that per the fire/police departments – 93% of all 911 calls are coming from cell phones.
Board Member Halbower inquires about the possibility of using nodes over a new tower. Mr. Varney explains nodes are used in more city scapes where there are buildings to attach nodes to. Member Slater inquires about other cell service companies being able to utilize the tower as well. Mr. Varney confirms they would be able to. Secretary Coon inquires about the 5 year lease and whether there is a plan for clean up should the lease not continue. Mr. Varney & Attorney Labelle relay that there are four (4) consecutive automatic lease renewals for a minimum total of 25 years. They also state the law that requires them to clean up should the site lease discontinue and that is a part of their plan.
Board Member Halbower suggests that we may need to approve the location due to it being outside of district. Board Member Halbower also asks why the fall space is half the distance of the height of the tower. Attorney Labelle explains that the way the towers are designed to fall in the event of catastrophic damage, they would crumble on top of themselves not fall straight down one way or the other. Mr. Varney notates that not one Verizon tower has ever fallen despite going through tornadoes, floods, ect. Board Member Halbower inquires that the tower will not have lights which Attorney Labelle confirms. Secretary Coon inquires whether competitor cell coverage companies will automatically look to jump on the tower or if customers should push their provider to lease space on tower. Attorney Labelle suggests both could take place to ensure every carrier is able to expand coverage through this new tower. Board Member Halbower wants to ensure that there is a memorandum guaranteeing that if the lease were not to continue, the property would not be subjected to the land division act. Mr. & Mrs. Smith, the property owners, agree. Member Slater inquires how the property tax works. Attorney Labelle explains that any increase in taxes will be covered by Verizon.
04-25-2 Motion by Chair Williams to approve parcel for location to build Verizon tower.
Support from Member Fanjoy. CARRIED.
04-25-3 Motion by Chair Williams to approve special use site plan with the conditions the Planning Commission is provided a geological survey, a surety bond, and a memorandum guaranteeing the leased land does not constitute a land division under the Land Division Act.
Support from Secretary Coon. CARRIED.
No closing comments.
04-25-4 Motion by Secretary Coon to close the special meeting.
Support by Member Eastling. CARRIED.
Meeting Closed: 8:23 PM