Special Board Meeting Minutes – January 30, 2024
Call to order 9:02 am by Supervisor Alan Jager
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call by Clerk Malinda Pego, Present – Treasurer William Halbower, Supervisor Alan Jager, Trustee Tammy Jager, Clerk Malinda Pego, Absent- Trustee Chris Thompsen
Motion 1-29-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager to adopt Resolution 1-2-24 approving the installment purchase agreement to finance a portion of the cost acquiring a fire truck, authorizing execution of said installment purchase agreement and authorizing the undertaking of all other necessary and required acts in connection with the financing thereof, support by William Halbower, Roll Call- AYES, Trustee Tammy Jager, Treasurer William Halbower, Supervisor Alan Jager, Clerk Malinda Pego, Absent- Trustee Chris Thompsen motion passes.
Motion 2-29-24 by Trustee Tammy Jager to adopt the Resolution 1-3-24 approving setting a public hearing to receive comment on the special assessment roll for the Little Silver Lake/ Hart Lake special assessment, support by Clerk Malinda Pego, AYES- Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer William Halbower, Trustee Tammy Jager, Clerk Malinda Pego, Absent Trustee Chris Thompsen, motion passes.
Motion 3-29-24, by Supervisor Alan Jager, Support by Treasurer William Halbower to hire Jerame Giddings as Maintenance Supervisor and pay rate of $20.00 per hour, Supervisor Alan Jager aye, Trustee Tammy Jager nay, Treasurer William Halbower aye, Clerk Malinda Pego aye, motion passes.
Motion 4-29-24 by motion by Trustee Tammy Jager, support by Treasurer William Halbower to approve the new Deputy Clerk pay at $15.00 per hour. Ayes- Clerk Malinda Pego, Trustee Tammy Jager, Supervisor Alan Jager, Treasurer William Halbower, motion passes.
Motion 5-29-24 to adjourn by Treasurer William Halbower, Support by Supervisor Alan Jager, all ayes, motion passes.
Respectfully submitted by Clerk Malinda Pego