Board Meeting Agenda – February 8, 2022
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Roll Call of Board Members
- Set the Agenda
- Review Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Regular Meeting January 11, 2022
- Payment of Bills
- Business from the Floor
This is an opportunity for the public to give input on any agenda items. Each person requesting to address the Board must give name, address and topic. People may speak only once and are limited to three (3) minutes unless permission for longer time is granted by the board.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Department Reports
- Correspondence
- Internet access in rural areas
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Accept Dave McCastle’s resignation
- Fire Department request to approve updated job descriptions
- Fire Department request to appoint Captain
- Fire Department request to appoint Deputy Chief
- Fire Department request to appoint 3 Lieutenants
- Free Dump Day May 14, 2022
- Resolution to close roads for Holton Days
- ORV Ordinance
- Golf Cart Resolution
- Stratus Networks application
- Transfer Station prices
- Release funds to new Holton Days committee
- Future Business
- Roads needing re-graveled: Hart Rd, Crystal Lake/Brickyard
- Holton Duck Lake from M120 to Syers Rd
- Motion to Adjourn