Board Meeting Minutes – February 8, 2022

  • The regular meeting of the Holton Township Board was called to order at 7:01 pm at the Holton Township Hall, 6511 Holton Whitehall Road.
  • Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present
  • Roll Call of Members: Clerk Coburn, present; Treasure Halbower, present; Trustee Thompsen, present; Trustee Jager, present; Supervisor Jager, present;
  • Set the Agenda-add
  • Add B. payment of bill for December 2021
  • Review the Minutes
    • 020122 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the January 2022 regular meeting minutes. Second by Treasure Halbower. CARRIED.
    • 020222 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the January 2022 Public Hearing Minutes. Second by Clerk Coburn. CARRIED
  • Payment of the Bills
    • 020322 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the payment of the January bills as presented. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
    • 020422 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the payment of December bills as presented. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED
  • Business From the Floor
  • Treasurer’s Report
    • 020522 Trustee Jager made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Trustee Thompson. CARRIED.
  • Department Reports

Zoning- $2,052.00

  • Winter reading program for adults-Book Blizzard Bingo. Register at library and pick up your Bingo Sheet.
  • Weekly story times for families Wednesday @ 11:15 am
  • New program at MADL – “1000 Books before Kindergarten”. Contact library for more information.
  • Received Grant from Great Start Collaborative-Story Time Grab & Go Kits for our community.
  • 2022 Summer Reading Theme-“Oceans of Possibilities’
  • Easter Egg hunt planned for April 9 – sponsored by Holton Library Friends


  • Incident report 25 for January. 1 Mutual Aid.
  • Correspondence- None
  • Unfinished Business-none
  • New Business:
    • 020622 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept Dave McCastle’s resignation. Second by Trustee Thompsen. CARRIED.
    • 020722 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the Fire Department request to approve updated job descriptions for Firefighter/EMR, Lieutenant, Captain, and Deputy Chief. Second by Trustee Thompsen. CARRED.
      1. Roll call vote; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Trustee Thompsen, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; Trustee Jager, yes;
    • 020822 Trustee Jager motioned to appoint Ted Hawk to the position of Deputy Chief effective February 1, 2022.  Second by Trustee Thompsen. CARRIED.
    • 020922 TrusteeJager motioned to appoint Robert Sampson to the position of Captain effective February 1, 2022. Second by Trustee Thompsen. CARRIED.
    • 021022 Trustee Jager motioned to approve filling three Lieutenant positions till the next promotional opportunity. Second by Clerk Coburn. CARRIED.
    • Free dump day will be May 14, 2022.
    • 02012022 Trustee Jager made a motion to close roads for Holton Days for Friday & Saturday, July 29 and 30.  Second by Trustee Thompsen. CARRIED.

            Roll Call- Trustee Jager, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Trustee Thompsen, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes;

  • 02022022 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept ORV Ordinance. Second by Trustee Thompsen. CARRIED.
    • Roll call vote; Supervisor Jager, yes; Trustee Thompson, no; Trustee Jager, yes; Treasurer Halbower, no; Clerk Coburn, yes;

Supervisor Jager made a motion for Friendly Amendment to 12 years old on B & D under 52.002. Second by Trustee Jager. CARRIED.

Roll Call vote; Clerk Coburn, yes; Treasurer Halbower, no; Trustee Jager, yes; Trustee Thompsen, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes;

  • 02032022 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the Golf Cart Resolution. Second by Clerk Coburn. CARRIED.
    • Roll call vote; Trustee Thompsen, yes; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Trustee Jager, yes; Supervisor Jager, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes;
    • 02042022 Trustee Jager made a motion to adopt the Stratus Networks application. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
      • Roll call vote; Supervisor Jager, yes; Clerk Coburn, yes; Trustee Thompsen, yes; Treasurer Halbower, yes; Trustee Jager, yes;
    • 021122 Trustee Jager made a motion to adopt the new prices at the Transfer Station. Second by Clerk Coburn. CARRIED.  
    • 021222 Trustee Jager made a motion to release Holton Days funds to new Holton Days Committee. Second by Trustee Thompsen. CARRIED
  • Future business-
    • Roads needing re-graveled: Hart Rd, Crystal Lake/Brickyard
    • Holton Duck Lake from M120 to Syers Rd
  • Supervisor Jager made a motion to adjourn at 8:33pm. Second by Treasurer Halbower. ADJOURNED.

Minutes taken by Clerk Coburn

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