Board Meeting Agenda – January 12, 2021
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Roll Call of Board Members
- Set the Agenda
- Review Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Regular Meeting December 8, 2020
- Payment of Bills
- Business from the Floor
This is an opportunity for the public to give input on any agenda items. Each person requesting to address the Board must give name, address and topic. People may speak only once and are limited to three (3) minutes unless permission for longer time is granted by the board.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Department Reports
- Correspondence
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Appoint Samantha Risner to the Fire Department
- Extend pay to Deputy Clerk for work over the originally approved 40 hours
- Approve Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2021 Homestead Poverty Exemption
- Hire Todd Conzemius as Zoning Administrator
- Appoint Tom Monette and Gene LaFlame to the Planning Commission
- Cyber Insurance Quote
- Pay $100 Notary renewal fee for Julie Vanderboegh to continue this free service for our Township constituents
- Future Business
- Set a minimum of hours to be paid for BOR, ZBA, & CBOA members
- Motion to Adjourn