Board Meeting Minutes 09/13/11



Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance given by all present

Roll Call:  Trustee Wilson, Trustee Kittel, Clerk Johnson, Supervisor Noble, and Treasurer Halbower present.


Add to agenda:  12.3  Tree bids – cemetery

Agenda is set.


Review of minutes: 


090111                    Treasurer Halbower made the motion to accept the August 09, 2011 minutes as presented.  Trustee                                 Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Review of Bills:

090211                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to pay the bills as presented.  Trustee Kittel                                                                         seconded.  CARRIED.

Business from the Floor:  Mr. Ronal Stitt, Brunswick Road asked a question – When a compliance permit is issued to someone in the community, and the owners do work to it cosmetic, and maybe some other work that is more than cosmetic, should the building be inspected?  After discussion it was decided to check with Don Rohlck our Zoning Administrator.

Laurie Wisniewski of Marvin Road talked to the board about a new group that they have started H.E.L.P. Holton

Is Everyone’s Little Paradise.  They are a group of volunteers willing to help business and home owners clean up their properties.  They are committed to restoring and beautifying Holton.  Their first project is to work with Dwight Simmons

and his property.  They asked if the township would be willing to help with a free dump day, and any volunteer help also.

Amy Brookhouse of Holton Duck Lake Road, also asked that if we hear of anyone who is not able, or needs help to please let them know.


Treasurer’s Report:

090311                    Trustee Wilson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.                                                                                 Trustee Kittel  seconded. CARRIED.

Department Reports: 


Fire Chief Stevens reported for the month of August a total of 207 man hours. Expenses for the 206 account $4,193.60,  it is 5% of budget and 10% under budget.  Expenses for the 216 account were $0.

They have interviewed Nicholas Mock – he has gone through the physical agility testing, and if he passes a physical they would like to add him as a probationary fire fighter and 1st responder.


090411                    Trustee Kittel made the motion to authorize Art to add Nicholas Mock on as a probationary if he

passes his physical.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Tom West reported he had nothing to report.


Correspondence:  Mick received correspondence from Amy Malek from Prein and Newhof regarding grants for

road improvements, and there are none at this time.

He is also receiving information from a group in Ackney, MI on possible grants for areas that have Indian population.


Unfinished Business:   Secretary request for paid holiday, sick, or personal time.  Bill and Alan met and discussed

the request, and presented to the board to allow Denise a total of 12 paid days per calendar year, at 6 hours each, to use throughout the year for vacation, holiday or sick time at her discretion.  The 12 days are to be used during the calendar year, and can not be carried over.  This is to be specific to her only, and not to the secretary position, and will start in January 2012.  Denise presently receives 6 paid days per year, and will be allowed 2 more paid 6 hour days for the

balance of 2011.


090511                    Trustee Wilson made the motion to allow Denise a total of 12  paid – 6 hour days per year starting

In January 2012, and prorated to 8 days for 2011.  Clerk Johnson seconded.  CARRIED.


New Business:  Inspector fees – The fees have been looked, and adjusted to try and have all inspector fees consistent.  Mick has spoken with the inspectors and they seem to be in agreement with the adjustments.


090611                    Trustee Kittel made the motion to adopt the fee changes for the Plumbing, Electrical, and Mechanical                              permits.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.


Tree bids for lighting damaged tree in cemetery, includes removal and clean up.  Bid #1 Tom’s Tree Service – $1600 this bid includes back fill with top soil.  Bid #2 Acme Tree and Tower – $950 with no top soil.


090711                    Clerk Johnson made the motion to accept the bid from Acme for the tree clean up.  Trustee

Kittel seconded.  CARRIED.


Motion to go into executive session.


090811                    Trustee Kittel made the motion to go into executive session at 8:12 p.m. to discuss Fire Department                                             personnel.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  ROLL CALL VOTE:  Treasure Halbower – YES, Supervisor                                   Noble – YES, Clerk Johnson – YES, Trustee Kittel – YES, Trustee Wilson – YES.  CARRIED


Back into Board Meeting at 8:27 p.m.


Fire Chief Stevens requests permission to add Brian Norton on as a probationary fire fighter subject to passing his physical.  He has passed the interview and physical agility tests.


090911                    Treasurer Halbower made the motion to add Brian Norton on as a probationary fire fighter subject

To his passing his physical.  Trustee Kittel seconded.  CARRIED.


Motion to Adjourn:


091011                    Trustee Kittel made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m.. Trustee Wilson seconded.                                    CARRIED.


Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Melanie Johnson

Holton Township Clerk

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