Board Meeting Minutes 08/09/11

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance given by all present

In the absence of Clerk Johnson, Trustee Kittel agreed to record minutes of meeting.

Roll Call: Treasurer Halbower, Supervisor Noble, Trustee Wilson, and Trustee Kittel present; Clerk Johnson absent.

Agenda– Add new Business: 12:7 Purchase of Air Packs, 12:8 Grant information from Prein & Newhof

Review of minutes of July 13, 2010 Meeting

080111 Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to accept the minutes for July 12, 2011 minutes as presented. Trustee Wilson seconded. CARRIED.

Review of Bills:

080211 Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Wilson seconded. CARRIED.

Business from the Floor:

Supervisor Noble recognized guests State Representative Holly Hughes and Commissioner Alan Jager.

Bob Shirk of Brunswick Road commented on last month’s meeting. Stating it took a long time to decide to pay the $700 to repair the culvert; but no time at all to approve the Fire Chief to attend the conference.

Representative Holly Hughes thanked the board for their service and stated that the salary and staffing cuts have been made to reduce costs and additional cuts will be made. They are working to increase jobs in the area, ie: Eagle Alloy has increased hiring, new Kurdziel Iron plant, and new battery companies. The new bridge between Canada and Michigan is the next issue. Bob Shirk asked how the bridge would be funded. Holly Hughes stated the Canadians are putting up $500,000,000.

Supervisor Noble asked Commissioner Jager about the funding for the festivals in the Heights. Commissioner Jager stated that the money given to the heights was not intended for that purpose and most likely would not be granted again in the future.

Supervisor Noble reported that County Drain Commissioner Dave Fisher had planned to attend this meeting; but was unable to get all of his information ready so he would attend the September meeting instead.

Treasurer’s Report:

080311 Trustee Wilson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Trustee Kittel seconded. CARRIED.

Department Reports

Planning Commission Planning Commissioner Tom West reported that they met to work on changes to the ordinance.

Zoning Board of Appeals Tom West Reported a variance was granted to allow Les McNeil to have a doublewide mobile home that is over four years old and meets all conditions and passes all inspections.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

1. Website

080411 Trustee Wilson presented information on Website Proposal from Area Web Solutions to re-design the Holton Township Website. Treasurer Halbower made a motion to proceed with the website proposal from Area Web Solutions at a cost of $1,750. Trustee Kittel seconded. CARRIED.

2. Resolution to allow consideration of Transfer of stock in 2011 Class C Licenced Business with dance permit located at 8520 Holton Road.

080511 Treasurer Halbower made a resolution to approve the transfer of stock from the two owners of Fischer’s Pub to Cathy Jo Rosick. Trustee Kittel seconded. Roll Call Vote: Treasurer Halbower: Yes, Supervisor Noble: Yes, Clerk Johnson: Absent, Trustee Kittel: Yes, Trustee Wilson: Yes. RESOLUTION PASSED.

3. Grinding of stumps on Syers Road

080611 Trustee Wilson made a motion to hire Charles Buckout to grind the five stumps on Syers Road at a cost of $300. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.

4. Request from Secretary concerning fringe benefits
Trustee Wilson and Treasurer Halbower will review request and come back with a recommendation at the next board meeting.

5. Resignation of Robert Stitt from Construction Board of Appeals

080711 Trustee Kittel made a motion to accept Robert Stitt’s resignation for the Construction Board of Appeals. Trustee Wilson seconded. CARRIED.

6. Appointment of Tommy Monette to Construction Board of Appeals


Treasurer’s Report:


Trustee Wilson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.  Trustee Kittel seconded.  CARRIED.



Department Reports


Planning Commission

Planning Commissioner Tom West reported that they met to work on changes to the ordinance.




Zoning Board of Appeals

Tom West Reported a variance was granted to allow Les McNeil to have a doublewide mobile home that is over four years old and meets all conditions and passes all inspections.



Unfinished Business:  None


New Business:


1.       Website



Trustee Wilson presented information on Website Proposal from Area Web Solutions to re-design the Holton Township Website.

Treasurer Halbower made a motion to proceed with the website proposal from Area Web Solutions at a cost of $1,750.  Trustee Kittel seconded.  CARRIED.



2.       Resolution to allow consideration of Transfer of stock in 2011 Class C Licenced Business with dance permit located at 8520 Holton Road.


Treasurer Halbower made a resolution to approve the transfer of stock from the two owners of Fischer’s Pub to Cathy Jo Rosick. Trustee Kittel seconded.  Roll Call Vote: Treasurer Halbower: Yes, Supervisor Noble: Yes, Clerk Johnson: Absent, Trustee Kittel: Yes, Trustee Wilson: Yes.  RESOLUTION PASSED.



3.       Grinding of stumps on Syers Road


Trustee Wilson made a motion to hire Charles Buckout to grind the five stumps on Syers Road at a cost of $300.  Treasurer Halbower seconded.  CARRIED.




4.       Request from Secretary concerning fringe benefits

Trustee Wilson and Treasurer Halbower will review request and come back with a recommendation at the next board meeting.



5.       Resignation of Robert Stitt from Construction Board of Appeals


Trustee Kittel made a motion to accept Robert Stitt’s resignation for the Construction Board of Appeals.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.



6.       Appointment of Tommy Monette to Construction Board of Appeals

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