Board Meeting Minutes for November 13, 2012

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance given by all present 

Roll Call:  Trustee Wilson, Trustee Kittel, Clerk Johnson, and Supervisor Noble present.  Treasurer Halbower absent.

Agenda is set.

Review of minutes: 

110112                  Trustee Wilson made the motion to approve the October 09, 2012  Election Commission minutes.  Trustee Kittel seconded.  CARRIED.

110212                  Trustee Wilson made the motion to approve the October 09, 2012  Board minutes. Trustee Kittel seconded.  CARRIED.

Review of Bills: 

110312                  Trustee Wilson made the motion to pay the bills as presented.  Trustee Kittel seconded.  CARRIED.


Business from the Floor:  Mr. Bob Shirk, Brunswick Road – Congratulated those who were elected.  He feels the township should not use the State of Michigan guidelines –  that we should let people build and do their own work without permits, and they should be responsible for their work.

Treasurer’s Report: 


110412                  Trustee Wilson made the motion to accept the treasurers report as presented.  Trustee Kittel seconded.  CARRIED.              

Department Reports:  Fire Chief Art Stevens reported total man hours of 314 for October.   Expenses for the 206 account were $15,244.02 and it is 12% of budget.  Expenses for the 216 account were $0 and  it is 22% under budget.  Art reported that Mike Hiles is retiring as Assistant Fire Chief.  there are four candidates for the four officer positions available.  The four positions and those who applied for and are qualified for these positions are:  Marc Hawk – Asst. Chief, Bryan Hawk – Captain, Rod Hawk – Lieutenant, and Keith Durnell – Sergeant.  As they are all qualified for these positions, and there are only four candidates.  They can be accepted without going through the procedures followed for more candidates than positions.


110512                  Trustee Kittel made the motion to accept Arts recommendations for the fire officer positions.  Clerk Johnson seconded.  CARRIED.

Planning Commission Chair Tom West reported that the  notice for the public hearing on the Master Plan is ready to be published.  They have  approved training dates of Feb. 19th, Apr. 16th, and June 18th for the Planning Commission.  These training meetings are open meetings also.


Correspondence:  None

Unfinished Business:   None


New Business:  In service training for the Board.  Mick has checked into training for the board and would Like to schedule an MTA 2 hr session at a cost of $55.


110612                  Trustee Wilson made the motion to allow Mick to schedule the in-service training for the Board.  Trustee Kittel seconded.  CARRIED.


November 20, 2012 at noon will be the swearing in for the elected officials. 

Mick reported on the meeting with post office officials on November 7th.  The post office will remain open for the current hours Mon-Fri 10-2, and Sat 10-11:30.  They are also considering an offsite station to do postal services.    

Mick thanked Anita for her years of service as a Trustee.

Motion to Adjourn:


110712                  Trustee Kittel made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m.  Trustee Wilson seconded.  CARRIED.

Respectfully submitted, 

Melanie Johnson

Holton Township Clerk

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