Board Meeting Minutes for September 9, 2014

Meeting called to order:  7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
Roll Call: Treasurer Halbower, Trustee Wilson, Supervisor Noble, Trustee Jager present
Clerk Johnson absent.
Set Agenda: No changes. Agenda Set.
Review of Minutes:
Correction under Set Agenda changed gold to golf.
090114 Motion made by Trustee Wilson to accept minutes as corrected.
2nd by Trustee Jager. CARRIED
Review of Bills:
090214 Motion made by Trustee Wilson to pay the bills as presented.
2nd by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED
Business from the Floor:
Mr. Robert Dausman of Brunswick Road asks the board if he needed a Special Use Permit to
grow hops on his residential property. He also asks about Medical Marijuana and building a commercial
building. Board informed him he would need to contact Mr. Stitt, our Building Inspector, and the
Township had very little control over Medical Marijuana.
Art Stevens of Schow Road asks about the blockage on Schow Road and if we knew when it
would be cleared. Supervisor Noble indicated that the Road Commission and Drain Commissioner
were working on it and would get to when they could.
Treasurer’s Report:
090314 Motion made by Trustee Wilson to accept Treasurer’s Report as presented.
2nd by Trustee Jager. CARRIED
Department Reports:
Fire Chief Stevens reported mans hours of 142 paid and 84.5 volunteered for a total of 226.5 man
hours. Expenses in the 206 account were $8,449.80 leaving it 7% under budget.
Expenses in the 216 account were zero leaving it 16% under budget.
Holton Department was at the Sportsman for Youth event approximately 2300 kids went thru the Fire
Department set up. Two candidates for the Fire Department will be doing the physical agility testing.
Ken Schuab, acting Chair of the Planning Commission reported 2 issues. Please have anyone wanting
to reach the Chairman of the Planning Commission do so by going to Angela at the Township hall. His
second issue was informing the board he is in the process of selling his farm and is fairly certain he will
be stepping down from the Planning Commission in January of 2015. Mr. Schuab also noted that
Agriculture was big business and he hoped the Township would be on board with it.
Correspondence: None
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
090414 Motion made by Trustee Jager to allow Fire Chief Stevens to attend the conference in
Traverse City for a cost of $516.32. 2nd by Trustee Wilson CARRIED
090514 Motion made by Trustee Jager to allow Fire Chief Stevens to purchase 900 feet of fire
hose at an approximate cost of $4,085.00. 2nd by Trustee Wilson CARRIED
090614 Motion made by Trustee Jager to allow Fire Chief Stevens to purchase five (5) sets of
turn out gear. 2nd by Trustee Wilson CARRIED
Discussion on turn out gear: Chief Stevens has budgeted for the purchase of several sets of turn out
gear. Fire Department has not had new sets in roughly 10 to 15 years. It is part of a County wide
Someone contacted Supervisor Noble about blight. Supervisor Noble presented to board, for their
review a Blight Ordinance. We can come back next month with thoughts on the Blight Ordinance.
Mower for township – Discussion about seeking 2nd bid. No one in the area has mowers available at
this time. Our mower could blow up at any time. Our attachments will fit the Grasshopper. We don’t
need the 61 inch deck. Suggestion made my someone to check with Case they have a lease program
for $1.00 you can get a machine. Mark will call the Case Dealer and check it out.
We would not be financing the mower as we have money in the General Fund.
The board agreed to to do a voice vote on the purchase of a new mower if Case didn’t offer lease.
Second Brining: Discussion about how late in the season it is and did we still want to brine.
90714 Motion made by Treasurer Halbower to cancel 2nd brine for this summer.
2nd by Trustee Wilson CARRIED
Motion to Adjourn:
090814 Motion made by Trustee Wilson to adjourn at 7:44 p.m.
2nd by Trustee Jager CARRIED
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Jager
Holton Township Trustee

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