Board Meeting Minutes – July 9, 2019
- Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm at the Holton Township Hall.
- Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.
- Roll Call of Board Members: Trustee Jager absent, Trustee Schroeder, Clerk Hippler, Treasurer Halbower, Supervisor Jager all present.
- Agenda set with addition of 5b: Review June 24, 2019 Budget Hearing Minutes and 12c: Approve 2019/2020 Fiscal Year Meeting Dates.
- Approval of Minutes
- 070119 Trustee Schroeder made a motion to accept the minutes of the June 11, 2019 regular Board meeting as presented. Second by Treasurer Halbower. CARRIED.
- 070219 Treasurer Halbower made a motion to accept the minutes of the June 24, 2019 Budget Hearing. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- 070319 Treasurer Halbower made a motion to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- Business from the Floor
- Bob Dausman, 6855 Brunswick Road- Concerns of the lagoons located on Holton Road being used as a solid waste disposal sight. Smell is upsetting. Disappointed that the board would allow the facility to operate in an agricultural zone. Suggested board require such a facility to operate in an industrial district.
- Mike Klachko, 6897 Marvin Road- Believes the smell coming from the lagoons on Holton Road are a violation. Wants the Township to do something to improve quality of life, protect against environmental damage, and to prevent water quality degradation. Would like the issue added to the August agenda.
- Tammy Rogers, 6008 Syers Road- Owns two rental properties and tenants may leave due to odor from lagoons. Believes property values will decrease from issues with lagoons and it is unfair to property owners and residents of the township.
- Leon Scott, 1634 Locust (Fremont) – representative of Fremont Regional Digester. Will be meeting soon with DEQ to discuss implementation of a plan to address concerns over Holton Road lagoons. They have been taking steps to reduce odors. All truckloads are tested before they are dumped into the lagoon and the contents of the lagoons are tested quarterly. Reports are available for review at their office or through the DEQ. Clerk Hippler will attend meeting with Digester representatives and DEQ officials.
- Amy Brookhouse, 10549 Holton Duck Lake- Appreciated information provided on lagoon. Would like to know if the treatments proposed to control odors will affect the safety of the contents of the lagoon when it is applied to fields. Stated that if the State decided where the lagoon would be placed without Township consideration it should not be allowed to operate as a profit generator for a business.
- Art Stevens, 7675 Schow Road- Wants to know if the lagoon is a business, if a profit is made, and if that is allowed in an agricultural zone.
- Brian Fialek, 7742 East Lake Road- Wants board to take action and cite the lagoons for violations. Believes if the Board does not take action it is an act of misconduct and a failure of the board’s obligation to Holton township citizens.
- Andrea Fialek, 7742 East Lake Road- Suggests Board contact Fremont to see how the issue was handled there. Wants Board to push harder to fix problem. Wants all money collected for medical marijuana facilities returned.
- Louise Vermilia, 4914 Holton Whitehall Road. Concerned about Fireworks. Had debris from neighbor’s fireworks hitting her house, worried about damage and image of fire department. Would like township to adopt ordinance.
- Malinda Pego, 6230 Third Street- Appreciated the positive comments made about Holton at last meeting. Agreed with statement urging board to uphold results of May election. Inquired about the status of money collected for medical marijuana facilities. Wants all money to be returned.
- 070419-Clerk Hippler made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- Department Reports
- Ordinance and Zoning-6 zoning requests and 20 permits issued.
- Planning Commission- Provided annual report to the Board.
- Ordinance Enforcer- Provided report of monthly activity.
- Fire Department- Jeffery Balke and Diana Smith were introduced as new probationary firefighters. The will attend the academy beginning in October. Fire Department will hold a picnic and invited Board members. New 1965 Pumper Tanker has arrived and Assistant Chief Hawk and Firefighter Sampson would be available after the meeting to present the truck to community members.
- Library- Summer reading program has 120 readers signed up. Programs are available every Monday at 1pm.
- Correspondence- Clerk Hippler has met with a representative of Muskegon First to discuss options to promote Holton and attract business and community partners. Membership fees would be $1600. Clerk Hippler will explore fundraising and partnership options.
- Unfinished Business- None.
- New Business
- 2020 Census Jobs- Presentation unavailable. Census jobs are available at
- Promotion of Robert Sampson to Lieutenant. Sampson has been with HFD for 7 years and is very active.
- 070519– Clerk Hippler made a motion to promote Robert Sampson to Lieutenant effective immediately. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- 070619– Treasurer Halbower made a motion to set the meeting dates for the Holton Township Board for fiscal year 2019-2020. Second by Trustee Schroeder. CARRIED.
- Future Business
- Employee Manual Update- On hold.
- 070719– Trustee Schroeder made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm. Second by Clerk Hippler. CARRIED.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Hippler
Holton Township Clerk