Board Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2023
7:02 p.m. Supervisor Jager called meeting to order
Pledge of Allegiance led by Supervisor Jager
Roll Call by Clerk Pego present: Trustee Tammy Jager, Treasurer William Halbower, Clerk Pego, Supervisor Alan Jager, absent Trustee Christian Thompsen
Agenda set with addition of “adding Brine to the Roads” to new business
Motion 01-03-23 for approval of Minutes of February 14, 2023 meeting by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Treasure William Halbower, motion carries
Motion for approval of payment of the bills as presented by Clerk Pego by Trustee Tammy Jager support by Treasurer William Halbower, motion carries unanimously
Business from the Floor
Supervisor Jager introduces new District 2 County Commissioner Zach Lahring
Public comments received by: Diane Zadel 7848 West Lake Road, John Smolen 7894 West Lake Road, Randy and Cindy Peterson 7842 West Lake Road, Brenda Harris 7889 East Lake Road, Ronnie Huizenga all above referenced public comments were regarding to traffic and issues caused of vacation rental properties tenants.
Commissioner Zach Lahring addressed the board regarding county ordinance of rental property 5 % bed tax for short term rentals within the county
Motion 03-03-23 by Trustee Tammy Jager to approve Treasurers report as presented support by Clerk Pego, motion carries unanimously
Library Report issued by Julie Vanderboegh updated status of new shelving & current March and April events
Ordinance Enforcer report accepted regarding 10883 Schow Road sent to attorney
Building Permits accepted, 9, $997.00
Chief Ted Hawk issued Fire Department Report 24 incident reported in addition 4 mutual aids reported
New Business
Motion 04-03-230 by Trustee Tammy Jager to regretfully accept resignation of Fireman Johnston support by Treasurer William Halbower, motion carries
New hire posting will be advertised soon
Motion 05-03-23 by Supervisor Alan Jager for new flooring for township hall main room spending up to $6,000.00 of ARPA grant funds support by Treasurer William Halbower, roll call vote yes- Supervisor Jager, Treasurer Halbower, Trustee Jager, no- Clerk Pego, motion carries
Motion 06-03-23 by Clerk Pego to accept Brine Bid for $7,873.50 items 2 applications support by Treasurer Halbower motion carries unanimously
Meeting adjourned @ 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Clerk Malinda Pego